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"We're good to go?" Steve asked. He, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton and Bucky Barnes, the rescue team, stood in front of the waiting elevator. Tony nodded at them. He, Bruce, Wanda and Vision all came together to form a plan that would have a chance of working.

"We only get one chance at this. There's no do overs. Tony's team has come up with a plan, and now it's up to my team to pull it off. This is for Ari. This is for our girl." Steve's fondness for Ari showed through his voice. "This is the fight for her life. So let's fight like hell."

The silence that blanketed the newly rebanded Avengers was deafening. Everyone knew what was at stake.

"I don't think anyone wants to be the one to tell Peter that she's gone for good," Rhodey said softly.

"He couldn't handle it." Tony added. Neither could he, but no one said that.

"What if it's not her? What if we get her back and she's not Ari anymore?" Wanda asked.

"We won't know until we get there. Let's go." Steve said. His team stepped into the elevator, and left the remaining Avengers in determined silence. They split up, Tony joined Sam on comms, and the rest of them went back into the living room and sat in the kind of silence you sit in when there is too much to say.

When Cap and his team got to the warehouse, they paused. This is the kind of thing Natasha and Clint trained for, they would usually thrive off of this kind of adrenaline. But now they stand silent, faces blank, watching.

"You guys go. You know what to do." Steve said. They shared a look before jogging up to the building and slipping inside a window, disappearing. They were to remain invisible, and take out as many people as possible.

"You ok?" Steve asked Bucky. He shook his head first, and then nodded.

"We need to get in there." He said, halfway dodging the question. Steve nodded and took the lead. Their job was simple. Find Ari, and bring her out.

The inside of the warehouse was disgusting. It was filthy, dirty, and about every 10 feet there was a dead body, courtesy of Nat or Clint. Steve and Bucky shared a look before continuing down the hallway. The map Tony drew out for them was accurate. About 5 minutes in, sirens started going off. An announcement went over the intercom.

"Attention HYDRA Agents. We are under attack. This is not a drill. Leave the Winter Soldier where she is. She is the target. This is not a drill." The message played on repeat. Bucky shook his head and pressed forward, past Steve. Now, it was personal.

The two moved from a walk to a jog, Steve's shield in his hand. Nat and Clint met up with them.

"They're all in a hallway up here. Ari has to be close." Nat said, hope almost showing through her eyes.

"I'm going first." Bucky said, but Steve pulled him back.

"That's not the plan, Buck. You know as well as I do that when we find Ari she's not going to be quite herself. You need to be able to talk to her. Get your head straight, ok?" Steve nodded at Clint and he took the lead, the other three jogging behind him.

"Talk to me." Sams voice crackled to life over the comms.

"It's going how we wanted it to. We almost have it," Nat said.

[survivor, the hard way]↣ p. parker | t.s. daughterWhere stories live. Discover now