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K is for Knee

ay made motions to his team behind him as the moved quickly but quietly through the hallways, occasionally ducking in and out of rooms, checking for the suspect. Each pair of detectives split off through the house to find him. Jay and Erin went down the stairs into the basement. They bursted into each room barrel first, finding nothing but boxes. They were just about to turn around and go back upstairs after clearing the second to last room, when a shadowy figure darted out of the room closest to the door, and flew up the stairs leading to the back stairs. Jay saw him first and took off after him, Erin following behind. The suspect rounded the side of the house with Jay on his heals.
"CPD! Stop! I got him! Get the car!" Jay yelled, first to the man, but when he didn't stop, Jay followed him. Erin nodded, and hopped into the car. She radioed the rest of the team, and soon the filed out of the house, Adam running after them. Jay tracked the man down the street and into the alleyways, jumping over the trash cans and boxes the man threw behind him in an effort to slow or stop the detective. The man underestimated Jay's physique, and was soon panting. He slowed to stop to catch his breath. Jay also slowed, and raised his gun to the man's chest, and walked towards him.
"Hands on your head! Interlock your fingers!" Jay ordered, waiting for the man to comply. He put one foot slightly behind the other, as he had a feeling that the suspect wasn't going to come in that easily. He was right. The man suddenly turned on his heals, and took off again down a side street. Jay huffed in disappointment, and took off once again, holstering his gun as he picked up speed. Ruzek rounded the corner and continued on when he saw a flash of the back of Jay's coat into the next alley. He decided to take a shortcut in hopes to cut off the suspect and give Jay a rest. Jay continued after the man, once again hurdling over obstacles and pivoting back and forth through the maze the man was taking him on. The chase soon led them onto a street. The man ran out into the road, with Jay following him. Suddenly, a horn honked, and Jay's eyes snapped towards the sound. There was a car barreling towards him, and Jay locked his knees in an effort to stop himself. One knee complied, but the other buckled from the sudden change. The sound of screeching breaks pierced the air as the driver tried desperately to control his vehicle. It finally skidded to a stop, but not before sending the suspect flying through the air. Jay had collapsed to the pavement as his momentum hyper-extended his left knee. He felt a sharp pain in the front, and grabbed it in an effort to sooth the pain. When he realized what happened, he pushed himself up, and hoblled to where the man lay on the ground. Ruzek ran over after watching the entire ordeal.
"He's dead. You ok?" Adam asked, looking at Jay's obvious limp.
"My knee hyper-extended when I tried to stop. It's hurts, but I'll be fine." Jay said, joining him by the suspect. Erin and the rest of the team raced up and came to where the two agents were.
"What happened? Are you hurt? Is it your knee?" Erin asked, looking at the scene in front of him. Jay stood, rubbing his throbbing knee. Voight got out and took care of the driver while the others called for a coroner.
"Just a hyper extension. I've done this before, back in boot camp. I'll be fine." Jay said, leaning against the car to take pressure off of it.
"Your not fine! Your limping! I'm taking you to med." Erin said. Voight gave his nod of approval. Jay shifted his weight more, and started to say something when she fired him a look.
"Well damn! If looks could kill!" Jay said, throwing his hands up. He walked to the car, and he and Erin were on their way to Med.
After lots of poking and prodding, and even more eye rolls and annoyed looks from Jay, he was sent home in a brace and on crutches. Which he proceeded to complain about the entire ride home. It would've continued back at the apartment, but was quickly put to rest with a threat from Erin and a hockey game coming on.

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