Troy Burrows x OC

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A/N: This story is a Troy Burrows x OC! The OC is me, aka the author of this book! Enjoy! Please message me if you want to help me with the one-shots as soon as possible! This oneshot is dedicated to one of my favorite power ranger actors Andrew Gray!

Madelyn's POV:

I was walking home from school with my clarinet in my backpack in peace and quiet until I heard a scream coming from the city! I noticed a monster attacking innocent civilians who were enjoying their day! I put my backpack down carefully behind a tree so it was out of sight of civilians. I took out my Megaforce Morpher and said, "It's Morphing Time! Swiftness of the hummingbird, Megaforce purple!" I defeated all of the loogies that were in the city at the moment!

I called Emma on my Morpher and said, "Hey Em! I was walking home from school with some peace and quiet until I heard screaming coming from the city! A monster was attacking innocent civilians! I defeated all of the loogies! I need backup! Please let Troy know!"

Emma said, "Hey Maddie! Those monsters never leave us, humans, alone! I'll let Troy know that you need backup now! Please try not to get captured or kidnapped until we get there! See you soon. Bye!" I put my weapons card into my Morpher and closed it! My bow and arrows appeared and picked it up! I started shooting at the monster! It kind of worked but not really! The monster kicked me in the side hard and that caused me to blackout!

She tied a blindfold around my eyes and carried me to an abandoned building that was close to the music store! The monster tied me to a pole and started hitting me and cutting my arms! I left a note for my friends that said, "Help! I got captured by the monster and they are beating me up! Please hurry! I am tied to a pole in an abandoned building by the music store! Please get here as quick as you can! From Maddie" Hopefully my friends see my note by my backpack and come rescue me as quickly as they can!

Emma's POV:

Troy, Gia, Jake, Noah, and I were hanging out at Ernie's Brain Freeze! All of a sudden, my morpher was going off and Gia said, "Hey Em! Why is your Morpher going off?" I said, "Gia, I have no idea!" I answered my morpher and said, "Hello? Who is this?" The person on the other end said, "This is Madelyn, the purple ranger!"

I said, "Hey Maddie! It's great to hear from you! What's up?" Madelyn said, "Well, I was walking home from school with some peace and quiet! Then I heard loud screaming coming from the city and I saw a monster attacking innocent civilians! I managed to stop the loogies! I need backup now before I try and fight the monster! Please let Troy know! See you soon! Bye!"

I said, "Oh my! Of course, I'll let him know! Please try not to get kidnapped, captured, and/or get tortured! See you soon!" I put my Morpher away and said to Troy, "Hey Troy!" Troy said, "Hey Emma! What's up?" I said, "Madelyn, the purple ranger, called me to say that she saw a monster and loogies attacking civilians in the city! She needs backup before she attacks the monster! I told her to try not to get kidnapped, captured and/or tortured by the monster!"

Troy said, "Yeah, hopefully, she doesn't!" (Emma and Noah are dating, Gia and Jake are dating, and Troy is single and has a secret crush on me!) I said, "Well, we should get going and join her to defeat the monster!" Gia said, "Yeah! Come on, guys! Let's go join Maddie!" (In this one-shot, only my friends aka the rangers will be allowed to call me Maddie.) All of us got up and went to join Maddie in fighting the monster!

Once we got there, I noticed a note from Maddie by her backpack where she hid it said, "Help! I got captured by the monster and they are beating me up! Please hurry! I am tied to a pole inside of a abandoned building near the music store! Please get here as quick as you can! From, Maddie" I said, "Seriously? I just told her to not get captured but she got captured! What are we going to do, Troy?" Troy said, "I think we should go destroy the monster and rescue Maddie! It's morphing time!"

Troy said, "Fury of the dragon! Megaforce Red!
I said, "Flames of the Phoenix! Megaforce Pink!"
Jake said, "Venom of the snake! Megaforce Black!"
Gia said, "Claw of the tiger! Megaforce Yellow!"
Noah said, "Bite of the shark! Megaforce Blue!"

We all said,"Earth's defenders never surrender! Power Rangers Megaforce!" We ran to the building where Madelyn was being held captured and tortured! As soon as we got there, we started defeating the loogies that were surrounding the building and were on top of the building.

Then we heard a painful scream coming from inside of the abandoned building! It sounded like Madelyn! We made our way inside and saw Madelyn blindfolded and tied to a pole! The monster was hitting her in the stomach with a bat asking where our base was but she refused to answer! She was in her power ranger outfit but her helmet was off so we could see her dirty blonde hair!

It looked like she was in so much pain! She had cuts and bruises all over her body! We started fighting the monster but more loogies showed up! While we were fighting the loogies, the monster managed to escape! We defeated the loogies!

I said to Troy, "Hey Troy! I just realized that while we were fighting the loogies, the monster escaped! I have a feeling that the monster is going to try to capture Maddie again! All of us need to keep an eye out anywhere we are at all times! You, Noah, and Jake should go over to Maddie and help her get out of the chains! She looks kind of weak right now! Also, be careful of her bruises and cuts!" Troy nodded!

A/N: I will put up an update soon! I will possibly have the update done by Tuesday or Wednesday at least if not later!

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