Preston Tien x Allison part 2

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A/N: TalistoLadynoir Here is the part 2 of your Preston Tien x Allison request! Enjoy!

Allison's POV:

I was eating lunch with Preston and his friends when I noticed a tall jock and a nerd with glasses walking toward our table! The tall jock said, "Hello! You must be the new girl that I've heard around the school about!" I said, "Yep! I am! My name is Allison! What's your name?"

He said, "My name is Victor and this is my friend Monty! You are very beautiful and I should say that you should eat lunch with me instead of with these losers!" I said, "Thanks, but no thanks! I don't eat lunch with rude people like you! Please get out of my space!"

Victor said, "If that's what you want? Fine! Come on, Monty! Let's go eat somewhere else! But I will find you again, Allison!" Victor finally left and so did Monty. Preston said, "That was amazing, Alice! Victor is always doing that with every single girl he meets!"

I said, "Oh really? No wonder why he was getting all up in my space like that! He is such a creep! I need to stay away from him as much as I can! Ugh!" Sarah said, "Yeah! Victor did that to me on my first day here! It was so disgusting and just plain creepy!"

It was a couple of classes later, eventually Victor did end up finding me again and tried to hold me captive so I would be his! I said, "Victor, it's not going to happen and it never will happen so you need to stop doing this or I will tell Principal Hostings about this!"

He said, "Oh, will you, my pretty? I like it when you're angry at me! It's cute!" I quickly ran to the girls' bathroom and texted the others!

Me: Guys! I need your help now! 😭
Brody: Alice, what's going on?
Preston: What's the problem, Alice?
Sarah: Is it about Victor being a creep toward you? 😡
Hayley: What's up, bestie?
Calvin: What's happening?
Levi: What's wrong, Alice?
Me: Yes, Sarah! It's about Victor! He won't leave me alone! I told him to leave me alone and if he won't, then I will tell Principal Hastings! And he said, "Oh, will you, my pretty? I like it when you're angry! It's cute!" I think it's not cute at all and absolutely disgusting! 🤮
Brody: Wow! Do you want me to tell Principal Hastings for you?
Preston: Oh my goodness! I can't believe that Victor is being such a creep on my friend! 😠
Sarah: I will also tell Principal Hastings as well! He is such a creep! He needs to get suspended or expelled from school!
Hayley: Gosh! Will Victor ever learn that you can't do that to a woman? It's rude and disgusting! ☹️
Calvin: Hayley, you're right! He absolutely can't do that to a woman like Alice!
Levi: Wow! I'm shocked and angry! I can't believe that I'm seeing this! What will you do, Alice?
Me: I'm planning on taking Brody and Sarah with me to Principal Hastings' office and tell her about my situation with Victor! I'll meet you guys in a couple of minutes outside of her office! Bye!
Brody: See you soon!
Preston: Bye!
Sarah: See you later!
Hayley: Bye!
Calvin: Bye!
Levi: Bye!

I got off my phone and immediately went to the main office to wait for Brody and Sarah so we could talk to Principal Hastings about this! After a couple of minutes, Brody and Sarah finally showed up to the office!

Principal Hastings came out of her office and noticed me! She said, "Allison, what are you doing in the office? Is something going on?" I said, "Yes, ma'am! Let's talk about it in your office, please!"

She brought us into her office and said, "Allison, what's going on? What's the problem?" I said, "It's about Victor! He is getting in my space and making me really uncomfortable! He is making really romantic gestures toward me that I don't like!"

Principal Hastings said, "Oh my! That's not allowed on this campus!" I said, "Also, another thing ma'am! I told him to stop and that I'll tell him on you! And he said, "Oh, will you, my pretty? I like it when you're angry! It's cute!" I think it's creepy and disgusting!"

Principal Hastings said, "Thank you for letting me know about this! You can leave! Once you're gone, I'll call Victor down to my office and give him suspension for a couple of weeks and I'll call his mom! Bye Allison, Sarah, and Brody!"

We left and went to our classes! I heard Principal Hastings come onto the PA system and said, "Can Victor please come to my office immediately?" Victor got out of his seat and went to the office!

Victor's mother was not happy about it! She called me and apologized for her son's behavior towards me! She told me that she grounded her son for two months! And he eventually didn't do it again!

A/N: The next request will do tomorrow! Goodbye and I hope that you enjoyed it! Peace out! ✌🏻

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