Troy Burrows x OC part 2

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A/N: Here is the part 2 for my Troy Burrows x OC! Enjoy!

Troy's POV:

Emma told me that Madelyn had been captured by the monster that she mentioned! We immediately went to the abandoned building that Madelyn said she was in! All of us saw her tied to a pole and getting beaten up with a bat! I noticed that she had bruises and cuts all over her body! It looked like she was going to pass out any minute because of how weak she was. We tried fighting the monster but more loogies came! The monster eventually ended up escaping! Madelyn was probably going to get captured again so later on all of us will need to keep an eye out to make sure Maddie stays safe with us! Emma said to me, "Troy, you, Jake, and Noah need to help Maddie out of the chains! She looks kind of weak and also be careful of her bruises and cuts!" I nodded in agreement. Noah, Jake, and I walked over and took the chains off of Maddie! She was so weak from her wounds that she fell forward! I helped her off the ground and pulled the blindfold off her eyes! She looked at me and said weakly, "Troy, thank you for saving me! I am feeling quite weak!" Then her eyelids slowly closed and she passed out! I picked her up and turned to face Noah and Jake! I said to them, "Maddie has passed out. We need to take her back to base! I'm carrying her back to base! Tensou will tend to her wounds! She will be unconscious like a little while! Let's hurry back!" Then I walked towards Emma and Gia and said, "She has passed out! Let's get her back to base!" Emma and Gia nodded! We walked back to base and I placed her gently on a cot. Tensou came over and stitched up her cuts and placed ice on her bruises. Gosei said, "Rangers, go get some food at Ernie's Brain Freeze so you don't worry about Madelyn too much! We will be keeping you updated on her conditions!" Gia said, "Ok! See you, Gosei and Tensou!" Jake, Gia, Emma, Noah and I left base to go to Ernie's Brain Freeze so we wouldn't worry about her too much! After we ordered our food, I got a call from Gosei! Gosei said, "Rangers, Maddie is getting better but still unconscious! Once you are done with your food, please come back to base! Maddie would really appreciate some company right now!" I said into my Morpher, "Alright! We'll be there soon!" Emma said, "I wonder why the monster went after Maddie even though she joined the rangers a couple of months ago." Noah said, "Yeah, babe! I don't understand that either!" We quickly finished our food and went back to base. It was a couple of days later, we were walking into our base and Maddie was still unconscious! I was sitting by her side when I noticed that she was slowly starting to wake up.

Madelyn's POV:

I was slowly starting to wake up from my unconsciousness and I noticed that Troy and the others were sitting on both sides of my cot! I said, "Hey guys!" Troy said, "Maddie, you're awake! How are you feeling?" I said, "I'm feeling okay but still sore from the cuts and bruises that the monster gave me! I can't believe that they captured me when Emma told me to try not to get captured! I kind of have a feeling that the monster is going to try to capture me again!" Emma said, "I bet you are sore. I also shocked that the monster managed to escape when we were trying to fight the loogies and rescue you! Right now you need to rest some more before you go back to school in a couple of days!" I said, "Yeah! I probably should take a nap! I'm feeling pretty tired!" I laid back down on my cot and closed my eyes! After a couple of hours, I woke up with a growling stomach! I hadn't eaten in a couple of hours! I said to Emma, "Hey Em! I'm feeling hungry and thirsty! Can you and Gia go get me some food?" Emma said, "Sure, Maddie! What do you want to eat and drink?" I said, "I want some chicken alfredo and apple juice plus some French vanilla ice cream with whip cream and sprinkles! I will stay here with Troy, Noah, and Jake! I don't want the monster to come after me since you guys rescued me a couple of days ago!" Gia said, "Ok! Emma and I will be back in a couple of minutes with your food! See ya!" As soon as Emma and Gia were out of our base, I said, "Hey guys! Thanks again for rescuing me from that monster! I still wasn't expecting that!" Noah said, "It's no problem, Maddie! When you got captured, we were so worried about you! You're lucky that you survived what they did to you!" Jake said, "Yeah! We are glad that you are doing well! Hey, where did Emma and Gia go?" I said, "Em and Gia went out to get me some food because I haven't eaten anything or drank anything in the last couple of hours! They should back in a couple of minutes with my food!" Troy said, "Ah! That makes sense! And speaking of them, here they come now!" Emma and Gia walked into the base with a box of chicken alfredo and a bottle of apple juice and a medium container of ice cream with whip cream and sprinkles on top! They handed the food to me! I ate and said, "Thanks, girls! I really appreciate you guys getting me food!" Gia and Emma said at the same time, "No problem, Maddie!" Troy said, "Madelyn, how's the food?" I said, "It's delicious! I'm glad that two of my best friends got me food when I needed it!" All of a sudden, our morphers were going off! That means the monster that captured me is in the city is trying to capture me again! I said, "Seriously? Again, with this monster?! You guys go ahead! I need to stay here for my protection!" Troy looked back at me and said, "Maddie? Are you sure about that?" I said, "I'm absolutely sure!" Troy nodded at me and said to the others, "Let's go! Madelyn will be safer here than if she is with us!" Noah said, "Let's go, Rangers!" They all left and I said to Gosei, "Hey Gosei! Can I watch the footage of their fight to make sure that they are alright!" Gosei said, "Absolutely!" I watched the fight but I noticed that more loogies appeared and the monster escaped again! I said, "Wow! This is the second time that the monster has escaped from the fight! It is really starting to get annoying!" I didn't notice that the rangers had returned! Troy said, "Maddie! We're back!" I jumped back and fell backward! Troy caught me and said, "I'm sorry for scaring you! I didn't mean to do that!" I said standing up straight, "It's alright, Troy! How did the battle go?" Troy said, "The battle was going well until more loogies showed up and the monster escaped again!" I said, "Wow! Wasn't that the second time that they have escaped?" Troy said, "Yes! It is!"

A/N: For my friend TalistoLadynoir I will work on your request next and then the next part of Troy Burrows x OC! Peace out until next time! ✌🏻

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