Troy Burrows x OC part 3

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry if this update is late! I have been really busy finishing up senior year and getting ready to graduate soon!

Madelyn's POV:

We were at the base and the rangers had just returned from the battle with the monster that had kidnapped me a couple of days ago. I was completely healed from my injuries! The rangers and I were at school waiting for the bell to ring for lunchtime.

The bell finally rang and we walked to the cafeteria for lunch! We were eating lunch when all of a sudden our morphers were going off! I pulled out my morpher and said, "What's going on, Gosei?" Gosei said, "Madelyn, the monster that had kidnapped you is back in the city yet again! You and the rangers need to defeat him now so he doesn't hurt you again!"

We walked out of the cafeteria and out of the school without no one noticing! We pulled out our morphers and Troy said, "Ready?" We all said, "Ready!" Troy said, "It's morphing time!" We all said, "Go go Megaforce!" We morphed into our different color ranger outfits!

I said, "Speed of the Hummingbird! Ha! Megaforce Purple!"
Troy said, "Fury of the dragon! Ha! Megaforce Red!"
Emma said, "Flames of the Phoenix! Ha! Megaforce Pink!"
Jake said, "Venom of the Snake! Ha! Megaforce Black!"
Gia said, "Claw of the tiger! Ha! Megaforce Yellow!"
And lastly, Noah said, "Bite of the shark! Ha! Megaforce Blue!"

The monster noticed the rangers and I! He said, "Well! Look who it is! It's the ranger that I captured a couple of days ago! Great to see you again! Not!" I was starting to get angry! Troy noticed and whispered to me, "Maddie, he is trying to make you angry so you attack him and he can capture you!"

I listened to Troy and calmed down! He was still making me angry! Troy said, "Guys, weapons out! He might capture our purple ranger again!" I also took out my weapon which was my hummingbird bow and arrows! I ran and backflipped to end up behind the monster!

Troy joined me and we fought the monster together! Troy and I took a break and let the others have a chance to fight the monster! Troy, Emma, Gia, Jake, and Noah combined their weapons to use against the monster and I used my bow and arrows against the monster as well!

We finally ended up defeating the monster! He was gone! Troy said, "Maddie, that was amazing! At least you didn't get captured again!" I said, "I'm glad I didn't! Thanks for having my back!" Troy said, "No problem! Rangers always have each other's backs no matter what the situation is!"

We checked the time on our phones and it was time to head back to school so I didn't miss my ballerina class! Troy and the others didn't know that I did ballet! I said, "Hey guys! We should get back to class! I have a class that I can't be late for!"

Troy said, "Ok! Let's go!" We walked back to school and went our separate ways to our classes! I got my ballerina bag out of my locker and went to the girls' locker room! I got changed out of my normal clothes into my ballet tutu and pointe shoes!

I started warming up on the ballet bar! My ballet teacher came in and said, "Hello students and our #1 ballet student Madelyn! Welcome back to ballet class 101! Today we are going to have Madelyn do a solo from Swan Lake! I have an announcement to make at the end of class!"

I said, "Yes, Madame Amelia!" (I chose the name of my ballet teacher to be Amelia because I really like the name!) I got into position and waited for our piano player to start playing. She started to playing and I started dancing a solo that Odette did in Swan Lake!

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