Allison x Preston Tien

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A/N: This was requested by my friend TalistoLadynoir! I hope you enjoy this request!

Allison's POV:

I was in the office of Summer Cove High School with Principal Hastings helping me register into the school. Once I was registered, I said to Principal Hastings, "Thanks, Principal Hastings for helping me register! I better get going to class so I don't end up being late on my first day here!" Principal Hastings said, "No problem, dear! Now hurry or you'll be late for class!" I walked down the hall with all of my supplies and I accidentally bumped into a young guy with black hair and brown eyes who was wearing a blue suit and black top hat! I said, "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I kneeled down so I could pick up my school supplies that dropped onto the floor. He was helping me pick up my supplies and our hands touched! He said, "It's ok! Let me help you with that! What's your name?" I said, "My name is Allison! Today is my first day of school!" He said, "My name is Preston Tien! Welcome to Summer Cove High School!" I said, "Thank you, Preston! But I need to get going so I'm not late for my first class!" He said, "Let me see your schedule!" I handed him my schedule and I turned out that we had some classes together! He said, "Come on! Let's get to class!" I said, "Ok! Let's go!" We walked together to class and a couple of classes later, it was lunchtime! Since I was new to the school, I was sitting at a table all by myself until I saw Preston right in front of me! He said, "Hey Allison! I noticed that you are eating by yourself so I thought I would eat lunch with you today. Are you okay with my friends joining us as well?" I said, "Yeah, Preston! I'm totally fine with it!" He left to find his friends and brought them over to our table! He came back with a guy with black hair and brown eyes, a girl with blonde hair and green eyes, a girl with brown hair and brown eyes, a guy with black hair and brown eyes, and a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes! Preston said, "Allison, these are my friends Brody Romero, Calvin Maxwell, Hayley Foster, Sarah Thompson, and Levi! Guys, this is Allison! Today is Alice's first day at Summer Cove High School!" Before I knew it the school day was over, I was walking home when I heard screaming! I ran toward the screaming! I was about to take out my Megaforce Morpher and morph into the white ranger until the monster had managed to capture me! Preston and the Ninja Steel rangers must have heard the screaming as well! They came and saw Madame Odius pick me up! They immediately morphed into the Ninja Steel Rangers! Before the rangers had a chance to fight her, she disappeared to an abandoned building with me over her shoulder! She tied me up and blindfolded me! She made sure that there were loogies all over the place to stop the rangers from saving me but it didn't work! They defeated Madame Odius and Preston came over to me! He said, "White ranger, are you ok?" I said, "Yes! I'm alright! Thanks for saving me, blue ranger! I need to go!"

I ran off, demorphed, and came back! Preston said, "Alice, are you ok? By the way, do you know who the white Megaforce ranger is?" I don't say anything to him!

A/N: TalistoLadynoir I hoped you enjoyed it! And don't be afraid to ask me for requests! I'll be happy to do them! Piece out until next time, my princes and princesses! ✌🏻😘

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