🍰・구 || Nine・🍰

416 22 11

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Ah, it was so hard for Seokjin to focus! No, not to focus on studying, or reading, but to focus on getting rid of the excitement he was hiding beneath his many layers of warm clothing.

He sat there beside (Y/N)'s empty seat as be stared at the book pages blankly; Seokjin had drifted into one of his daydreams or was it one of his fantasies? It was hard to tell now but he did not care. But no matter how prettily his head had painted them, it could be viewed as grotesque by other people. A strong sense of pride overcame him, like a gentle blanket wrapping his slender frame.

Seokjin felt like he was doing the world justice, doing the world and fellow citizens of South Korea a favor by his secret deeds that only him and the ruler in the white clouds knew about. And because he is able to do such things, he often viewed himself as God's helper, or even as equal as the mighty saint high in the clouds. He felt like he was a subject to a reign of law. Every action he did, he believed was good in God's loving eyes. It had an inevitable and automatic effect in a long chain of causes, an effect which was independent of the will of any deity.

There no room for the concept of 'sin' when it came to Seokjin, he was justified, others were not.

His mild fantasies helped to pass the time and he wasn't one for entertaining himself with optimism. It was better to be prepared for tonight.

Seokjin let a shaky breath as he cautiously turned his head toward the direction of (Y/N)'s lovely, vibrant giggle. No one in the classroom was paying any mind to him, nothing new. Good. He spotted (Y/N) across the classroom, two rows away as well, chatting with a few of her friends. Or acquaintances. Seokjin wasn't sure but he also didn't care, he didn't know them and he didn't care to. (Y/N) was sitting with them, giggling about nonsense. Professor Cha had ended class early and some students stood behind to study, and some left. The only reason that (Y/N) was still there was because she was waiting on Seokjin, she was going to spend the night with him after all and he was her ride there.

Seokjin wasn't doing anything for (Y/N) to be waiting on him actually, he was just sitting there in his seat. He wasn't doing anything. He thought that he just needed some extra time to reflect and go over everything before he finally brings (Y/N) over. Mentally prepare himself.

He had worked really hard, really hard on the room that he would keep her in for as long as he wanted. A lot of sweat, time, and money was put into his work.
Seokjin was fortunate enough to have a basement in his home. Though it was a small space it was very useful in severing bodies, wrapping and keeping the parts he liked to put in his freezer and cleaning bloody instruments; but it just wasn't good enough to keep (Y/N) down there. The only way to get to the basement was through the trapdoor-like rectangular door on the floor of his bedroom closet so if he just left (Y/N) down there, someone could hear her and he could have (Y/N) taken away from him forever.

So to prevent that and to prevent (Y/N) from even attempting to escape, Seokjin decided to make a secret room within the basement.

Seokjin had demolished a part of one of the walls and dug out a hole in which he successfully covered up with two decently sized bookshelves. If he pulled back the bookshelves, the hole he make shifted would lead to a very small concrete door and the concrete door would eventually lead to two sets of chestnut brown, wooden doors. Behind the last wooden door would eventually lead up to the room that was only about six square meters. It was like a bunker, but far smaller. Despite the room practically being underground at that point, he also had soundproofed the walls and placed multiple locks on the wooden doors just to be safe. It took Seokjin roughly an hour just to get to the six square meter room alone because of how many locks he puts on the door. However, he's been practicing for two months straight so he's gotten better and faster with getting to the room and securing it back up afterwards before leaving.

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