Try new things

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Just a little note before I start writing-

I've just started watching play throughs of danganronpav3, I've only gotten to the first trial but I'm trying to finish it so I can talk to people about it-

I also thought that saimota was a really cute ship and yea

Third person POV

Shuichi winced as he step foot into his dorm. Feeling the floor creaking beneath him he began to slowly step back, as to not alarm his sound asleep roommate, kaito.

Kaito arose from his messy bed and sat up lazily, rubbing his eyes and yawning obnoxiously loud. "Whaddya' doing partner," he asked groggily. Kaito got up as shuichi placed his bag on his bed.

"I was hanging out with kaede," shuichi shammed as he slipped off his shoes and set them neatly next to his bed, keeping his head down as to not meet the other's gaze.

Kaito shook his head in disappointment and dissatisfaction. "Yeah, sure," he sighed, sarcasm sharp on his tone. "Of course you didn't spend your entire day at the library, again. I mean how stupid of me to think so."

Shuichi finally lifted his head up, a pure face of embarrassment was shown. "H-how'd you know," he asked.

Kaito shrugged. "Maki said she was spending the day with kaede so." Kaito looked directly at the shorter boy across from him, causing shuichi to look down in shame.

"Also you never look at people when you lie." Kaito yawned once more and laid on his bed tiredly.

"Listen bro," kaito started. "You can't be spending every free time you have only on studying, it's not healthy for you man."


"No buts!" Kaito exclaimed, cutting through shuichi's words. "You're spending your precious time on something that will barely help you in the future!" Shuichi's pearly blue eyes met with Kaito's.

"Live your life to the fullest already man, jeez!" kaito shot his cliche grin and thumbs up which oddly enough, didn't stop shuichi from blushing madly every time kaito did it.

Shuichi scratched his head nervously. "Sure thing," he stuttered, followed by a muffled 'ill try'.

After a brief period of silence, kaito yelled at shuichi to get changed already. "I already have tomorrow planned out for us," he exclaimed afterwards.

Shuichi began grabbing random articles of clothing and headed to the bathroom. "Planned?" He asked in confusion.

"Hell yeah," kaito yelled. "Some carnival's being thrown around here and I'd like for you to accompany me."

Shuichi smiled softly. "I don't suppose I have a choice huh," he asked.

"Oh. No. You don't."


"Really, kaito. I appreciate the offer but I'd prefer you bring someone else instead," shuichi pleaded, as kaito dragged the blue haired boy by the hand along the side walk. "Plus I'm not a 'carnival person.' Or even an outside person," he added dully.

Kaito stopped walking and turned to face the nervous boy with a firm expression. "I brought you because you're a pretty boring guy," he said bluntly."


"Seriously man," he sighed. "You and your stupid straight A's need some time apart! I mean look what it's doing to you," he cried, pointing out every flaw shuichi showed. The heavy bags under his eyes, his lanky arms and legs, his horrible posture, etc. "I just want ya to have fun man. Go out, exercise, have fun, get in trouble for God's sake."

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