ᵖʳᵉᵍᵃᵐᵉ ᵃᵘ🍯

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Third person POV

"S-so, would you like y-your pen back..?"

Saihara stood in the rain, no umbrella, no bag over his head. He simply stood in the rain, drenched, and holding Kaito's pen in his hand until his arm aches for being up for too long.

Kaito gave no attention to his pen however. Only at the drenched boy before him. He was surprised by his lack of emotion when the heavy rain poured on him. Sure kaito witnessed a few shivers and flinches whenever a rain drop fell on the boy's face. Besides that, saihara seemed unfazed by the rain, as if we wasn't dripping wet.

Kaito wasn't nice, per se, he was the exact opposite. He enjoyed inflicted pain and fear in others. He didn't seemed ashamed of that nature, nor was it bothersome.

However, that didn't stop him from wanting to pull saihara under the umbrella with him. The way he stood there, water running down his face, made kaito confused. Which made him aggravated.

The taller male shook his head. "Nah," he said, turning away to begin his voyage home. "You can keep that shit."

"R-really?" There seemed to be some sort of joy in saihara's voice as he held the pen in his hand and stared at it, as if it was some sort of sacred object. To him though, any of Kaito's belongings was sacred.

Kaito shrugged in response. "The hell you so happy for?" He muttered, a sudden forceful and threatening tone in his voice made shuichi tremble, and not due to the cold weather. "Gonna finger yourself with it?"

Saihara's face turned bright red. "Th-that's-"

"Rhetorical question. I don't wanna fucking  know."

Saihara hummed. He looked down at both his and Kaito's feet, still surprised as to why kaito was still here.

It wasn't until an umbrella was shoved at his chest that he realized why.

"M-Momota-Kun..?!" Shuichi exclaimed. Kaito was now drenched in water, his umbrella closed, and in shuichi's grasp.

"Take it," the taller said. "You look pathetic like that."

Saihara however, attempted to deny the offer.
"B-but I can't! I-it's yours and it's m-my fault I didn't bring-"

Kaito's face hardened and his fists clenched. "I'm not fucking asking you," he hissed. "I told you to do something, now you fucking do it."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, the drenched teen opened the umbrella and covered himself with it. Raindrops stopped pounding on him and despite still being wet, he felt somewhat better.

After a couple seconds of adjusting to the sudden warmth, saihara began raising his head to appropriately thank kaito for the gesture, only to find himself alone.

Their relationship only grew from there. They became immensely close. Skipping class together, walking home together, etc. they spent most of their time together, and saihara savored every moment of it.


"M-Momota-Kun.." saihara whispered, gently tugging at his black jacket. "Where are w-we going?"

The pair had been walking through a a dark forest for a while and saihara couldn't help but question their destination. And why kaito was carrying a shovel under his arm.

"Just keep your mouth shut 'till we get there."

Saihara nodded, despite being behind the other.


"We're here!" Kaito had a malicious yet gleeful grin on his face as he stared at the mud beneath him.

Saihara was confused nonetheless. Kaito seemed to take note of that as took the shovel from his arm and pierced it through the dirt, digging and removing large amount of dirt as he did.

Shuichi waited patiently for whatever kaito was so excited about. He didn't bother think of what kaito could be digging for though. Whatever kaito likes, shuichi would attempt to like as well.

Soon enough, kaito had dug a big hole in the ground and marveled at the sight in it.

"Here he is," Kaito mumbled, dropping the shovel to his side exhaustedly.

Saihara peered into the hole as well, his eyes widened in shock.

In the hole was a dead body. The easiest way to put it.

A fairly young man laid lifeless in the hole, his eyes were dull and his body began to rot. Insects of all kinds crawled over his body, destroying and wrecking havoc to it. The sight was disgusting and gnarly. Yet neither saihara nor kaito could look away from it.

"Whoever did this is one lucky bastard," Kaito spit on the ground after breaking the ice.

This caused to shuichi to look up, directly at his classmate.

Kaito continued. "Always wanted to kill somebody. Wanted to know how it feels. I never got the chance to do so though."

A lightbulb seemed to set off in shuichi's brain as an impulsive idea rushed in his head.

"You could kill me!" Saihara blurted out. His hands were clasped together as he wore a nervous smile.

"Eh?" Kaito's gruff voice muttered some incoherent phrases under his breath.

"I-I wouldn't mind at all! If you really want to kill someone I'll volunteer to be your victim. I-I wouldn't struggle o-or anything! An easy kill!" Despite being an impulsive decision, saihara seemed confident in it. He was ready to give up his life without a doubt, especially to kaito.

Kaito only shook his head lazily. It surprisingly brought some sort of disappointment to the other.

"W-why not? You said you wanted to kill someone right?"

Kaito shrugged. "Yeah. Didn't meant you. I kinda like you." A teasing grin appeared on his face as he ruffled the others hair.

Kaito's words struck saihara like a bullet, and stunned him for a while. His face eventually burned beet red as he managed to find his voice. "R-really..?"

Kaito nodded. "You know I enjoy toying with you," he said. Kaito draped his firm arm around saihara's shoulders, leading the lanky boy on the way home.

Shuichi's chest was suddenly filled with warmth. He felt somewhat comfortable in Kaito's presence despite his hardcore and at times, nasty, attitude. Saihara desperately wanted to hold the hand that hung off of his shoulder, he wished to feel Kaito's firm fingered intertwined with his bony and frail ones. He decided not to test his luck though. The moment was good enough as it is, shuichi wouldn't be able to love with himself if he ruined it now.

Sorry for taking such a long time to post this, but I just wanted to say thank you to the people who are actually reading and enjoying this. I didn't expect there to be any reads tbh, so thanks again.


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