Part Three

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Bakugous POV

I winced a little from the bite but didn't move away. I growled a little and his jaw loosened and came off me. He hadn't broken the skin at least.

He looked up at me, seemingly fear in his eyes and I just smiled.

"It's okay." I cooed. "It's okay."

God he was adorable, I stared into his beautiful green eyes and then he moved away and looked outside.

I wanted him to stay close. I liked him. He's my omega now. Mine.

"Hey, boss we're almost here," Kirishima said, glancing back at me before looking back at the road.

I nodded and said "I want Mina to get Midoriya's measurements later and take him shopping. I'll show him to his room. Have the chef prepare a meal for us."

Kirishima nodded and I looked to my Midoriya, I noticed he was staring at me in the reflection and I smirked and looked out the front window and watched as we pulled into the garage.

Midoriya sat up and was releasing fear pheromones, as much as he tried to hide it he couldn't hide it from me. I put my hand onto his head and messed with his hair a little.

We stopped and I got out. I went around to his side and opened the door. He was struggling to step out with the cuffs on. I waited patiently for him and then I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder.

"Hey what the hell!" He cried and I laughed and started to carry him to his new room. "Put me down."

I ignored his cries and please and said: "Just let me show you your room first!"

He stopped fighting back and once I got into the room. I threw him onto the bed and went to the door and locked it.

"You're not going to mark me, are you?" He asked. I smelt fear pheromones in the air. "You won like me. No alphas like me."

I came to him and hugged him, sniffing at his scent glands. Smelt like sweet chocolate... I was releasing pheromones to calm him down. "Your mine now. I'll mark you soon enough."

He growled a little before giving into me. I smiled and pushed him back pinning him down, he was dazed by the strength of my pheromones, I left 3 or 4 hickeys on his neck and then got off him.

"Stay here. I have some work I need to do. Someone will be here soon to get your clothes size." I said and I left him there in the room alone. Making sure to lock the door.

I walked through the mansion into my room and made a phone call. After a second there was an answer "Sort me a plane. I'm going on a little trip." I demanded.

"Yes, Bakugou." I sad voice replied and I hung up. I'm taking my omega on a little trip.!

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