Part Six

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Deku POV

I followed Mina in silence. She walked behind me, keeping a close eye on me.

"I'm sorry.." I muttered. "I-I didn't think he would react like that.."

"It's alright. You are his omega now. Alphas get protective over there omegas." She said quietly, her enthusiasm faded a bit. "I should have expected it."

Nodding I continued to walk, listening to her as she guided me, not wanting to let me out of her sight.

We got to a white door. " Go in." She ordered. I pushed it open and it was a giant, giant walk-in wardrobe! I stayed stood in the doorway in complete awe. Mina's excitement had come back and she pushed me in and said: "Cmon let's get you some clothes."

I nodded and said, "Am I gonna wear a suit like everyone else?"

"Not unless you want to. We only wear those for business."

"Ah ok. C-Can I just pick what I want.?"

"Sure kiddo."

I smiled and she stood by the door, shutting it. I didn't like this place yet. Or Bakugou!... But some new clothes will be nice, f-for when I escape.

After glancing across everything I picked up a turquoise zip-through jacket; a black turtle neck; greyish blue jeans and a red pair of thick trainers.

She covered her eyes and turned around. "Try em on!" She said enthusiastically.

I nervously got undressed from my rags and started to get changed into the new clothes. They fit perfectly, surprisingly. They smelt and felt completely new. I stretched in them.

"W-Well you can open your eyes now," I said, trying to hide how happy I was.

She turned around and slowly uncovered her eyes. She jumped with joy and came to me and hugged me. "You look great. Bakugou is gonna love it!" She told me.

I awkwardly hugged her back and said: "I-I don't care if he likes it or not."

"You will one day." She pulled the neck of the turtle neck, looking down my shirt then moved away saying. "Might not like that your hiding the hickeys."

My face flushed red and I sighed. "I don't care about hiding them." A lie. "The turtle neck is just warmer."

"Bullshit." A familiar voice said and I looked to see Bakugou.

I blushed a little more when I saw him smiling, a soft look in his eyes. Smiling...

"Somethin' wrong with my face?" He asked, the smile fading a little. He came closer and messed with my hair. "You look good in that. Mina. You have seen his style. Pick 6 more outfits for him." He ordered.

I felt I was being drawn close to my alpha... 'They guy who kidnapped you' I reminded myself. I sighed when he put his arm around my waist, not being bothered enough to push him away.

"How come?" I finally asked. Clearing the mist from my head. His smoky scent was messing with my head. "T-The extra outfits."

"I said earlier, didn't I? We're going on a trip to Seoul, Korea." He replied and then kissed my forehead.

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