Part Nine

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Bakugou POV

I fell asleep and woke up about 5 hours later, it was 2am now!. I walked around our hotel room, no Deku.. Where are you?

"Down to Mina's I guess.." I muttered. I was panicking a little, what if he left me? I swear to hell if Mina let him go I'm going to-!!

Calm. Calm. Calm... He is probably fine.

I walked out the room and to her door. I slammed my hand on the door and shouted "Mina, it's me OPEN UP."

The door opened and Mina was there. "Ohhh Heyy Bakugouu~" She slurred, she reeked of alcohol..

"Deku?" I asked. She sighed and brought me in.

He was pretty much passed out on the sofa, four empty bottles on the floor. I smirked and went to him and lifted up his face. "Hey Deku. You get smashed baby?" I asked, supressing a laugh. He was such a cute mess.

"Mhmm~" He said and he tried to push himself up. I watched as he stumbled and held him up as he went to roll off the edge.

"You wanna come and get into a bed and sleep?" I asked playfully.

"Yesshhh." He said and I picked him up, bridal style. He smiled happily and rubbed his head into my chest.

I went to the door and he had his arms wrapped around my neck and started to kiss all over my neck. Oh god he is so drunk.. I turned to Mina and said "Well, thanks for taking care of him. And calming him down I guess."

"Uh your welcome Bakugou." She nodded and shut the door when I walked out. I brought him into the room and put him down onto the bed. His shirt had alcohol and dribble down it.

"Can you take your shirt off for me?" I asked calmly, trying not to be sexual.. At all.. He sat up and started trying to take it off, really failing. I crawled closer to him and helped him out a little. I helped him take off his pants too.

"You gonna sleep?" I asked.

He nodded and he led down. I came up behind him and pulled him closer to me, spooning him, nuzzling my head into the back of his neck.

"Sorry for earlier.." I muttered. I know he wont remember this... But I needed to say it to him.

" 's kay.." He muttered and he put his arm over mine, holding my hand. "I luv' ya Baku Bae.. But too fasttt." He whined. "Sober me 's to stubbun to amit it."

I smirked and messed up his hair. "Sleep dork."

He purred quietly and I rubbed my thumb in circles on the back of his hand until he stopped purring and his hand went limp, I guess he had fallen asleep.

I fell asleep not long after..

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