Part Eight

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Heyo~ I'm isolated because of coronavirus so expect a lot of updates in the next week! xxx


Deku POV

I stayed curled up, warm tears dripping down my cheeks. I thought he was going to mark me and r-ra... I can't even think it.

I needed someone around. I sat up to the side of the bed, try my best to ignore his pained expression and asked "Can I see Mina..?"

He sighed and nodded. "Sure.." His voice was shaky. "The... The key card is in the bottom of the black bag.. She's two rooms down.."

It felt like my heart was being ripped into pieces seeing him like this. He was always such a strong guy... I think I fucked up here. I came and sat next to him and cuddled him.

He flinched a little..

"I'll be back in about an hour.." I said and I kissed his forehead. He turned to me and hugged me tightly.

"You better or I'm gonna kick your ass."

That's the Bakugou I've known.

I laughed a little and I moved away, he gave me puppy eyes. Seemingly begging me to come back. I grinned and went to the bags by the door and went into the bottom of the black back. Exactly where he said it was.

I left the room and went down the hall and knocked on the door. Mina answered the door, opening it only a inch so I could just about see her tired eyes and messy hair.

"Hey Mina, is it cool if I come in?" I asked. She sighed.

"Jeez you scared me Deku." She said and she opened the door fully. I heard a click and saw a handgun get thrown across the room onto a side. I walked in and shut the door.

"You just wake up?" I asked her, sniffling a little.

"Yeppp. Was soo jetlagged after that flight.." She said and she sat on her sofa and put her legs up. "So what's up nerd?"

She stared at me and I awkwardly looked to the ground. She sighed and said "What did he do?"

"I dunno.. Things were going good, he was being cuddly and I was enjoying it. Then I guess I said something that triggered him and he went to mark me and he-he got so c-close." I started tearing up and I sat on the floor leaning against the door. I put my face into my hands and sobbed.

"So you don't want him to mark you.. How come? You know there's no dodging it. He's taken a real big liking for you Deku."

"I-I know that. I just... I wanted someone I loved to mark me.. And well lets just say I haven't been falling for the guy who kidnapped me and is holding me hostage.." I muttered. I wiped my eyes.

She nodded and it went silent. I was hyperventilating as I tried not to cry and tried to calm myself down.

"He just doesn't wanna loose you. I know it doesn't seem like it. But he really cares for you Deku." She said quietly. "He's probably planning to mark you then give you more freedom, its not like you can just leave him easily once your marked."

I nodded and then got up. "Got any alcohol?"

A devilish grin grew across her face.

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