Part Twelve

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Bakugou POV

As soon as Deku was asleep I tried getting up, which only resulted in a whimper from him. I eventually got away and he looked sad, so I took off my jacket and put it over him. Immediately he snuggled it and went back to being completely peaceful and adorable... Jesus Christ I love that little greenette mess.

I went into the bathroom and showered, listening to peaceful music on loud the whole time.

After about 20 minutes I came out the bathroom. Deku was still asleep so I decided to get dressed and go down to Kirishimas' room.

I walked in and knocked at the glass door which led the the balcony. He turned around and waved an I came out and sat on a chair at the other side of the balcony.

"How are you doing?" He asked. "Hows things with deku?"

"Well..." I started. "He got his heat earlier..."

Kirishima sighed and said "So were stuck in Seoul for a bit, and you cant even enjoy it properly."

I nodded. "I tried finding supressors but man I don't even know what to do. Ive never had to take care of a omega in heat like this before."

Kirishima nodded and sat forward, a little serious now.

"Well, he will act differently. And you will have instincts that are hard, almost impossible to control. And he will not help you control these at all." Kirishima stated. I listened. "This should only last 3 or so days though. You should be there to take care of him. Make sure he rests, and help him with whatever 'needs' he may have."

"Thats going to be a problem. Because I said I wouldn't mark him, and im not going to have sex with him either while hes like this."

Kirishima sighed and said "You cant get heat suppressors now because its started.. Maybe if you get scent suppressors we can get him home where he can be safer and more comfortable."

"Couldn't find any supressors." I reminded him.

"I'll get some. Don't worry Boss."

I heard a howl from my balcony next door and I jumped up, my instincts going mad. I left Kirishima without saying anything and went back to my omega. He was curled up in his nest and I came down to him and cuddled him.

"A-Alphaa." He whimpered and he nuzzled his head into my chest.

"Whats up? You hungry? Thirsty?" I asked and I cradled him.

"Hungry." He whined and I kissed his forehead and picked up my phone and ordered food online.

I spend the rest of his heat taking care of him, making sure he was happy and wasn't hurting... Doing my best to resist my urges and bed him and mark him right there.


Short and bad chapter sorry, didn't want to focus too much on smut and wanted to carry on with my story...

Question, would people want more meaning less smut? Emotionally relevant smut? Or no smut at all?

Also THANK YOUUUU ALLLLL for 3k+ readsss!!!!!!!!

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