three: see you again

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There was always a time in someone's life where they just want to curl up in a ball and die.

Well, this would be that time for me.

Tears streamed down my face as I tried to steady my breathing. The villain above me had me strapped down to a table as he held a knife in his free hand. I wanted to break free and stab his eyes out. But, my quirk wasn't made for physical strength .. it just made me smarter than everyone else. and yet, I still got caught. Still got caught ... the situation was baffling to me. The villain before me wasn't smarter than me, so how did he beat me? (This wasn't including our vast strength differences, of course.)

"Scream for me?"

Fuck you.

I clenched my teeth as I saw the blade touch my skin. He was barely pressing down on it, but the knife made a cut anyway.


The sound caught us both off guard as the Pro Hero known as Hawks came walking through the door, and when his eyes met my teary eyed ones I saw a flash of anger cover his face then disappear a second later.

"Hey ms. police! It's good to see you again, but...I wish we met in a different situation."

I was saved again. Hawks really was a hero.


《"just getting some groceries"》


*y/n's P.O.V*

I looked down at the lost as I held a basket in my arm. Then, looking up, I scanned the various amounts of food as I tried to find what I'm-

There they are!

But...there on the top shelf...

I tried to jump up to (favorite food), but I just couldn't reach it. Damn!

I'm too short to be dealing with this today. I mean, im tall, but also short. Probably medium height? I don't know. I mean, I'm taller than a lot of girls, but also shorter than the ones that play competitive sports (like basketball). So, in terms of average height-

I shook my head. Overthinking again ...

Before I could ask for help though, the product had already been retrieved and was hanging right in front of my face.

"Hawks? What are you doing here?"

"Just getting some groceries! Anyway, I saw you needed some help, so I thought I would give you a hand shorty! In fact, I was going to call out to you too, but your face was all scrunched up .. as if you were having a mental crisis on how vertically challenged you were-"

A tick mark appeared on my forehead as I grabbed the food from him.

"Thank. You."

Then, I marched off to the cashier as i didnt even bother to look back at the smirking pro hero behind me.

*Hawks' P.O.V*

Seems she doesn't like the nickname shorty...or the fact that I was teasing her about height.

I pulled put a notepad as I crossed off yet another nickname for her.

I wonder where we are going next today!

Wait. Didn't her To-Do list say she needed to go buy those cookies from the Cafe down the street?

Guess I'll head over there first!

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