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The next morning I was rudely awoken by the sound of a vacuum cleaner. I groaned and looked at the clock seeing the numbers ten o'clock in bright blue letters. I then yank my pillow over my head and try to go back to sleep considering I didn't get home until around four am but soon my great aunt Blanche knocked loudly on my door her southern accent filtering through. "Billie honey it's time to get up." I groan in response and my door was opened. Soon I felt the covers being yanked off of me and I groan again. "Come on now if you don't get up I'm sure your little beau will be very upset that you stood him up." I pull my pillow off and sit up glaring. "For the last time Changkyun is not my beau he is my best friend." She waves me off. "You say that now but just wait. Now get up before your late." I roll my eyes. My great aunt is a very old fashioned southern woman. I came to live with her when I was a little girl when my parents died. My grandparents both were already dead so aunt Blanche took me in. We used to live in America but my aunt got a bad diagnosis a few years ago and she always wanted to live in Korea. So we used all of her life savings to up and move here. Snapping out of my daze I got up and looked through my closet choosing a black t shirt and black jeans with a jacket and a beanie over my long blonde hair. I slipped my black converse on then grab my bag and run downstairs. "Bye aunt Blanche I'll be back later!" I ran out the door before she could reply and run to my favorite coffee shop. I grin when I see my best friends Changkyun and Kihyun outside and sneak up behind them grabbing Changkyun by the sides. "Boo!" Both boys jumped and I immediately started laughing and walked around the table to plop down in a chair in front of them. They both glared at me and I grinned. "Yeah very funny Billie. Nice to see you too." Changkyun gave me a look and Kihyun pouted. I smile at them both. "Sorry guys I just had to. Anyways what's going on?" Kihyun starts talking about his latest cooking class and I was obviously happy that he was pursuing something that made him happy. I then turn to Changkyun and steal a sip of his coffee. "What about you?" He quickly steals his coffee back with a look. "I'm finishing up my essay for one of my college classes." I pout and rub my eyes. "Good for you dweeb. Now will someone please go get me a coffee? I'm a little strapped for cash." Kihyun immediately gets up to go get me one and I call out a thank you to him. "Why are you out of cash?" I shrug and stay quiet. He then studies me and his eyes narrow. "You were at the fights again weren't you?" I shrug. "Yeah. But I really think I can do this Changkyun! I can win that money for aunt Blanche's treatments and medicine!" He shakes his head. "You don't even have a coach or a manager." I shrug again. "I'll find a coach. And you can be my manager." He immediately shakes his head. "Nope not happening your not getting me involved in this." I frown and go to say something but stop when Kihyun comes back handing me a French vanilla coffee and I smile. "Thank you Kihyunnie." He smiles back waving me off. Soon Changkyun's alarm goes off signaling it's his and Kihyun's time to head to class and he gets up grabbing his bag Kihyun following him. I wish them a goodbye and tell them to call me later then get up and head across the street walking down the sidewalk. Soon I come across a new building and I look inside curiously my eyes widening when I see that it's a new gym. I immediately head inside and head for the front desk where a very muscular man is standing. "Excuse me how much would it be to work out here?" The man raises an eyebrow at me. "This is a men's only gym. Try somewhere else." My eyes narrow and I storm out of the place grumbling to myself then I suddenly stop halfway down the sidewalk and get an idea. I see a haircutting place up ahead and grin immediately going into motion with my plan. I head inside talk with the woman at the front desk and she immediately takes me back. "Now are you sure you wanna go through with this? You have such pretty hair." I immediately nod. "Yes please." She frowns but starts cutting. Soon she turns the chair towards the mirror and my smile widens. There I was short hair and all. My plan? To pose as a boy to not only work out at that gym but to join the underground fights.

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