Ch 10

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It's been a couple weeks since I told Hyunwoo about me being a girl and we told each other about our feeling. We've gotten a lot closer and he's been more determined to teach me how to fight. My injuries from my last fight are finally healed and right now we were in the ring and for once I actually had the upper hand throwing a few punches and dodging his hits. Just as I was about to throw a final punch Hyunwoo caught me off guard with a light blow to the temple making me fall backwards on my butt. I look up and give him a slight glare and huff but he just smiles and helps me up. "Now it's time for the next step. Teaching you about blows that can come out of nowhere." I groan and pout. "Will I ever be ready?" He rests a hand on my shoulder. "You gotta be patient. Fighting takes lots of practice and skill." I frown but nod then look at the time. "I should probably go. You wanna come to the cafe with me? Changkyun will be there." We walk out of the gym together and he stops to look at me. "Maybe next time. I promised the guys I'd go out with them tonight." I nod and give him a quick hug then pull away. "Alright then I'll see you tomorrow." He gives me a little smile then I run off towards the cafe. Skipping over to my seat I plop down in front of Changkyun and say casually. "Tonight at one." He raises an eyebrow at me confused then his eyes narrow. "You've gotta be kidding me. Another fight Billie?" I shrug and say determinedly. "I'm a lot better now. I've almost beaten Hyunwoo in a fight." He shakes his head in disbelief. "Then you can go alone. I'm not watching you kill yourself." I pout and immediately quiver my lip. He tries to look away before finally sighing in defeat. "Fine but you owe me." I immediately grin at him. "I'll split the cash fifty fifty with you." He shakes his head and immediately goes quiet when Kihyun sits down. I smile at the older man happily. "Hi Kihyunnie. How was your day?" He immediately smiles back at me. "It was fine. How was your training?" I grin at him. "Awesome. I almost beat Hyunwoo in a fight!" He smiles at me his expression like a proud Eomma. "Good for you Billie." Suddenly his face turns serious and I gulp. "But you two have been hiding something from me." My gaze goes to Changkyun nervously then we each look back at Kihyun's stern expression. "Billie's been doing underground street fighting." I glare at Changkyun blurting it out and snap. "You jerk your supposed to keep it quiet! You swore to secrecy!" He looks at me apologetically. "I'm sorry but Kihyun's scary when he's mad or disappointed." Kihyun looks at me in horror. "You've been what?! Billie this is serious and dangerous stuff! You could get killed!" I rolled my eyes and grumble. "Yes eomma. I know." My gaze suddenly turns serious. "I need the money to pay for my aunts medicine and doctors appointments." He frowns at me. "I could help you. I could lend you some money...." I Immediately cut him off. "I'm not taking charity." He gives me a concerned glance. "It's better than you getting hurt or killed." I stand up looking frustrated. "I'm gonna be fine. Now you can either come with us tonight or stay home and be a worry wart there." With that being said I turn around and head home.

(Hyunwoo's Pov)

Me, minhyuk, hyungwon, jooheon and Hoseok all went out for a few drinks to hang out and talk. Just as it's about to turn one am Hoseok leads us to the bad parts of town and towards a run down warehouse. "Dude where are we going?" I agree with jooheon's question but Hoseok just shushes us and leads us inside after paying a guy at the door. He leads us inside and through the crowd to a large ring. I look around curiously. "What is this place?" Hoseok turns to look at me grinning. "It's an underground fight." I frown slightly and so does hyungwon and jooheon. Minhyuk looks around with an excited expression on his face. "Isn't this illegal?" I frown looking at Hoseok after hearing hyungwon's question. "Yeah technically but it's fun to watch. Besides they're supposed to have a newbie here tonight." I look up at the ring as soon as the fights announced but immediately freeze in place when I hear the name and see who exactly is in the ring. Standing there on one side of the ring with a look of determination was none other than Billie.

Fighter (a Shownu x reader story) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang