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My aunt was not very happy with my new hairdo but I convinced her that it'll soon be summer and long hair is hard to manage in the summertime. Also pointing out that she had short hair. The next day I set my plan into motion. I bought a chest binder and pulled it over my head it immediately hiding my small chest. I then pulled on my black workout pants and black t shirt with my jacket and tennis shoes looking in the mirror. I didn't look to bad. I grinned at myself then ran downstairs calling out a goodbye to my aunt before leaving. I headed to our usual coffee shop and sat down at our table. Soon Changkyun and Kihyun showed up frowns on their faces. "Excuse me sir this table is reserved." I immediately grin and speak up. "Guys it's me Billie!" Both of their eyes widen and they each sat down. "You cut your hair!" I smiled and nodded At Kihyun. "Yep!" Changkyun narrowed his eyes at me not saying anything until Kihyun left the table to go get our coffees. "What are you planning?" I grin at him. "There's a new men's only gym down the street. I'm posing as a boy to join and then join the fights." His eyes widened at me. "Are you stupid? You could get killed in those fights!" My expression hardened and I glared. "I wanna fight Changkyun. And I'm going to with or without your approval." He frowned then sighed. "Fine but I guess I'll be your manager to look after you. I grin and sit back in my chair. "Great." Soon Kihyun came back with our coffees we immediately thanking him and we sat there drinking our coffee until it was time for them to go to class. I wish them a goodbye then head to that men's only gym walking through the door and up to the man at the front desk. I paid him the monthly fee and then went over to the punching bag hanging and wrap my hands before starting on it. Soon I hear a chuckle and I stop and turn curiously. I see a tall black haired guy with brown eyes who was fairly attractive laughing at me. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you laughing at?" His eyes widen a little and he looks embarrassed. "It's just your doing it wrong. Your positioning is off and your not punching hard enough." I immediately frown. "Do you think you can show me?" He blinks and looks awkward but gets up and shows me the correct stance. I copy it and then punch the bag it actually moving a little. I smile a little but look over at the guy beside me and he shakes head. "It's a little better but still not right." I frown. He motions a little awkwardly. "Can I show you?" Blinking I nod and he moves closer helping position me and shows me how to punch then he motions for me to try it. I punch the bag as hard as I can wincing and it swings backwards. My eyes widen and I grin looking at the guy beside me. "Thanks. I'm Billie what's your name?" He gives me a little smile. "I'm Hyunwoo." I nod and punch the bag again. "Nice to meet you Hyunwoo." Once the bag stops I turn to him curiously. "So I'm assuming you know how to fight." Blinking he nods. "Yes." I smile then ask hopefully. "Can you teach me? I'll pay you." He stares at me for a minute looking awkward before answering. "Sure I'll teach you." I grin happily. "Cool. So what now?" He continues to teach me moves and ways to punch for at least an hour until I call it quits for the day because I have to get home to give my aunt her medicine. I start packing up and unwrap my hands seeing them bruised and frown then look at Hyunwoo. "You wanna meet back here tomorrow?" He blinks but nods. "Sure. Tomorrow." I smile and wish him goodbye then head out the door putting my hands in my pocket. I get home and walk inside calling out to my aunt. "I'm home!" I then quickly run up the stairs and change into my normal clothes then head back downstairs and into the kitchen where my aunt is sitting. I walk over to the cabinets and get her medicine out frowning when I see it's almost out but put on a happy face and hand her the pills. I then start to fix us dinner and sit down with my aunt to eat and talk with her until bedtime.

Fighter (a Shownu x reader story) Where stories live. Discover now