The Eldest Daughter: Chapter 5

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The Eldest Daughter
Chapter 5
I finally find him at the archery training area. "Chiron!" I call. He trots over.
"Yes, Jasmine?" He smiles.
"We need to talk." His smile fades. "About Ezra."
"I figured you'd be the first to says something."
"Well, duh. Now can you talk?"
"Let's head to the Big House to talk about it."
"No! Dionysus is there and he hates me." As I say it he walks up.
"Oh, hello again." He fakes a smile.
"Dionysus, go away!" I tell him.
"You can't talk to the camp director like that." Clarisse yells. "And it's mr.D not Dionysus."
"I can talk to him however I want and I can call him Dionysus or whatever else I want to call him!" I yell back and head toward the Big House.

"So, spill." I say when Chiron catches up.
"Well, a little while after you left. Ezra went out of control and then disappeared." Chiron explained.
"He said he need to find you."
"But, we weren't even that close of friends."
"I don't know. But I think he's going to be a part of the team in some way." Chiron goes inside.
I stay out on the porch to think. But am interrupted by someone.
"Are you avoiding me?" I turn to see Leo's elf-like face.
"What? Um... No." I quickly say.
"It really seems like you're avoiding me."
"What do you mean?"
"First, you leave as soon as I get to see you. Second, I wave at you and you go hang out with Nico. Third, you said 'what? Um, no.' really nervous like."
"I'm not avoiding you or... I'd already be gone." Thankfully Jason calling me over. "Hey, Jason needs me. Gotta go." I fly off.

"Hey, sparky. What's up?" I Jason when I get over to him.
"Capture the flag is about to start. Wanna be on my team?" He asks.
"Sure!" We run towards the woods.
"Wait." He stops. "You don't have a weapon."
"Uh." I think, man I forgot I lost it in that place. "I have one in the cabin. I'll be right back." I run towards my cabin. Hoping it reappeared like it's supposed to do. Here it is!
I run back and catch up with Jason.
"Hey man. Ready?"
"Just about... Nice sword!!"
"Oh, thanks."
Great... I get to guard the flag. Standing at the bottom of a rock in a creek. Not my definition of fun. *CRACK!* I hear behind me. I turn and see three or four kids sneaking up behind the rock. Then I'm knocked off my feet from behind me.
"Nice... Very nice plan." I get up and pull out my sword.
"Argh!" I hear... Someone behind me. I quickly sidestep as they swing for me. They stab the ground and get their sword stuck. I hit them with the flat of my blade and turn to block another campers blade. I have another camper coming up on my left. I grab a dagger out of my boot and block their blade also. A fourth camper comes in on my right. So I quickly knock out the one in front of me and block the one on the left too. I hear a cheer across the woods, looks like we won. The two on my left and right bring down their weapons and I follow. I help the camper, who's sword was stuck, get up. "Who would you be?" I ask.
"I... Would Frank." He gets up.
"And you?" I point at the second one I got down.
"Hazel." She takes her helmet off.
"And your henchmen?"
"Leo and Calypso."
Leo takes his helmet off followed by Calypso.
"You're a lot tougher than I figured." Frank said with his hand on his head.
"She kicked y'all butts!!" Leo laughed. I clinch my teeth together. Why, does he keep showing up?
"Well, we should head back up. Right?" Calypso suggests.
"Yeah." I start walking.

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