The Eldest Daughter: Chapter 11

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The Eldest Daughter
Chapter 11

The started rising so Ezra and I went our separate ways to get ready for the journey ahead.
"Where were you?" Thalia yelled when I walked in, she and Jason are already getting ready.
"Out.." I squeak.
"I couldn't sleep."
"Well, hurry up and get ready." She went back to packing.
"Yes, ma'am." I mumble and salute. Jason chuckles when I do. We finish packing and everyone meets up. "Y'all ready?"
"Yep!" Everyone says.
"Good. Y'all rest well?"
"Yep!" Everyone but Ezra yells. He just winks at me, which in turn makes me blush.
"Well, let's go." We start heading out.

Angus drives all into New York. "Thanks!" I yell as he closes the door and drives off.
"So, where we find Doom?" Leo asks.
"I know where he lived but I don't know if he still does." I answer.
"Where?" Annabeth asks.
"In his castle... In Washington, D.C..."
"How do you know this?" Luke asks.
"Really? How do I know it? I've been alive for... I don't even know how long."
"Good point."
"So, to Washington... D.C." Leo yells. "How do we get to Washington, D.C.?"
"Good question." I state.
"Hmm. I guess we could start waking." Percy starts walking.
"Percy, shouldn't Annabeth or Hazel be leading?" Rachel asks.
"You're probably right." Percy stops and let's them in front of him. We get to a bus stop and decide it'd be easier. We all hop on the bus and head to the back. "Ok... We should be there in four to five hours." Annabeth announces. Rachel's playing on her laptop. Percy's listening to music and has an arm around Annabeth. Annabeth's reading a book. Jason and Piper are chatting. Frank and Hazel are just sitting there. Leo and Calypso are playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. Nico and Reyna are taking and laughing. Clarisse is bouncing a ball on the back of Percy's seat. Thalia's sitting upside down in her seat doing a yo-yo up and down. Luke is reading a book of knock knock jokes. Ezra is sitting next to me with his arm around me. I'm just resting my head on his shoulder. I sigh happily.
"What?" He looks at me.
"Even though we're going to face Doom, literally. I'm just really happy." I smile and look at him.
"Good. That makes me happy." He smiles and I rest my head back his shoulder and he rests his on my head.

We make it to D.C. after what seems like forever. We head to the nearest woods to set up and campsite. Thankfully, Thalia has 17 huntress tents. She passes them out and we each set ours up. We separate them into groups of three, several years apart. We meet back up at the campfire. "Who wants to go get some food?" Annabeth asked. "Only three people."
"I'll go." I volunteer.
"Me too!" Ezra volunteers too.
"I'll go." Nico says.
"Ok, that's three." Annabeth says. "Who's has money?"
"Me." I say.
"I do." Percy says.
"I have some." Luke says.
"I do too." Thalia says.
"Ok, how much do y'all each have?" Annabeth asks.
"Twenty dollars." Thalia tells her.
"Fifty." Percy says.
"Thirty-two." Luke says.
"A hundred." I says.
"Wow. So that's, two hundred two." Annabeth said.
Me, Ezra, and Nico head off to find some food. "What sounds good?"
"I don't know." Ezra says. Nico just shrugs.
"Ok. Macdonald's?"
"No!" They say together.
"Ok." I continue looking around. "Taco Bell?"
"Sure." Nico says.
"That's ok with me." Ezra says.
We walk in. "Hi, I need 16 deal D's and a veggie taco with a drink." The cashier looks at as weird. "It's for our camping group. We forgot the food at home."
She looked a little less surprised. While she was typing it in, I saw a large shadowy figure run by outside. I shoot Nico a look saying "You see that?" He nodded.
"That's gonna be $42.52." The cashier says. I hand her a fifty dollar bill and he returns my change.
"Thank you." Me, Ezra, and Nico grab the bags and walk out.
"Keep an eye out for doom walkers." I tell them.
"So, if we have to fight them. How?"
"Well, they're extremely fast. They can also dissolve and reappear anywhere. But with light on them, they can't do that. But, if you can get to them in full form, they die easily."
"Interesting." Nico says.
Tacobell rules!!!

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