The Eldest Daughter: Chapter 8

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The Eldest Daughter
Chapter 8
After the meeting, it's dinner time. Chiron got Grover to get some people to get the group out own table. We all sit down. "So, one at a time. Tell me what you're most surprised by. Starting with Nico, since he's sitting next to me." I smile.
"That you actually told them, since I already knew." He smiles.
"Reyna?" I ask.
"That you're Roman and Greek." Reyna tells me.
"Same as Reyna. You just, don't seem Roman. Like, at all!"
"The tattoo things."
"That you're immortal."
"That Luke cutting you're arm blew a secret you've been keeping this long."
"Ha, yeah. Jason?"
"That you're a child of Zeus and Hera."
"I don't know... It's all really surprising."
"Can you summon fire?"
"Yes." My hand lights on fire.
"That it's been so long since we've seen each other."
"I had my suspicions all along. But, I'm with Piper. It's all pretty surprising."
"That you and Chiron that I left looking for you. I mean, we didn't even know each other that well."
"That I didn't see a single monster when we hung out."
"Nothing really. I mean, my dad was the lightning thief."
"That you're so tough. You literally kicked Percy's butt."
We all bust into laughter and start eating.
After dinner, Chiron comes over to the group. "Tomorrow, I need all of you to meet me at the Big House."
"Yes sir." and "OK." Everyone said together.
We started heading toward our cabins. Thalia came over to me while Jason was telling Piper good night. "So, what do you think of Ezra?"
"Ezra... Who's kinda cute isn't he?"
"Um, I barely even know the guy, Thalia. And why do you care?"
"Because--" Jason walks in. "We'll talk more later."
"Whatever, Thalia." I fill over to go to sleep.

I go back to my time with Nico and Bianca.
*Knock, knock.* I knock on their front door. Hades opens the door. "Hello? Oh, it's you."
"Gee, thanks! Listen, I know your not my biggest fan. I didn't even know you lived here. But this is where I was led, so there's a reason I'm here. Could you let me in?"
"Fine." He let's me in the door.
"Who is it?" Bianca runs up and stops when she sees me. "Who are you?"
"This is a homeless child looking for a place to stay for a while."
Maria Di Angelo, whom was very pregnant at the time, walks in. "Hello, are you hungry?"
"Um, yeah. A little bit." She leads me to the kitchen. Bianca follows us and Hades follows her. "Thank you." I say as Maria sets the plate down in front of me. We talk about my skills and such, taking care of children wise. Since Nico would be born soon, they'd need someone to help take care of Bianca. I agreed and Bianca said she'd share her room with me. She takes me to it and starts showing me her toys.
A four years later, Nico's birthday. I hear arguing outside. I send Nico and Bianca to their rooms and head towards the back door. It's Hades and Zeus.
"Dad?" I open the door and walk out.
"Jasmine?" He looks over at me.
"What are you doing here? With him?" He pokes Hades' chest.
"I needed somewhere to stay."
"Let me talk to my daughter." He shoos hades inside.
"Where's mom?" I ask him.
"Here." Hera appears.
"What are y'all doing here? And wait, you didn't know I was here?"
"Nope, we had lost you."
"Child, you'll have to leave tonight." Zeus sets his hand on my shoulder.
"Why?" I shove his hand off.
"Monsters, my darling." Hera pushes some of my hair behind my ear.
"No!" Nico runs over and hugs my leg.
"And there's that." Zeus point at Nico.
"Non puoi andare !" (You can't go! In Italian.) Nico yells.
"Fine. I leave." I tell Zeus and Hera.
"Good." Zeus says and they disappear.
"Hades!" I call when I'm back inside, carrying Nico.
"What?" He comes in.
"I need to leave."
"No!" Nico yells.
"Why?" Hades takes Nico.
"Oh, ok. Please be careful."
"I'll try."
I run up the stairs and pack my things.
"Where are you going?" Bianca asks.
"I don't know."
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too, kiddo." I wipe a tear out of my eye. "Who knows, maybe I'll see you again one day."
"I hope it's soon." She hugs me.
"If only, kid, if only."
I finish packing and run out the door straight into the woods behind their house.
I see the monster now. It's actually really hard to miss. I'm practically face-to-face with the sleeping Minotaur itself. I slowly start backing away. *SNAP!* I stepped on a twig and the Minotaur wakes up. "Over here!" I yell and then begin running. I get cornered between a building and it. It charges and I bring up my blade I stab it in the head but not quick enough. I have a Minotaur horn stuck through my gut. Out of the corner of my eye I see the Di Angelo family run to see what the commotion is. Nico starts crying and tries to come to me, but is stopped by hades.
"I tried." I say looking at hades and then everything goes black.
When I woke up, I was in my least favorite place ever. Tartarus. "Why?!" I yell.
I get up and grab my sword, that travel with me. I start heading towards the doors.
I wake up sweating like crazy. "Um... Are you, ok?" Thalia asks, she and Jason are staring at me.
"Yeah, why?"
"You were saying weird things in your sleep."
"Oh, joy." I get up to get ready.

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