The Eldest Daughter: Chapter 7

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The Eldest Daughter
Chapter 7
"Nightmares again?" Jason asks.
"Uh, yeah." I sit up. "I think that statue is making them more vivid." I point at the Zeus statue standing in between the beds.
"Yeah, it did that to me the first few weeks."
"Weeks? Argh!" I start getting ready.

"Jasmine?" Nico sneaks up the steps.
I jump. "Dude, don't sneak up on people like that! What's up?"
"It's about Ezra. You know him don't you?"
"Yeah. He was here back when I was a camper here the first time. Chiron said he went crazy when I left and then he just disappeared, looking for me."
"That's kinda..."
"Yeah, and I know creepy! Well, I just wanted to know... See ya later." He walks off. "Oh, yeah. Guess what!"
"I'm going a date with Reyna!" He smiles.
"Good, have fun!" I return the smile.

"Will?" I poke my head in the infirmary.
"Oh, hey Jazz." He waves.
"Can you come here for a second?"
"You can come in if you want."
"Yeah, come in. You're just the person I wanted to see." Ezra says, waking up.
"Oh, I just needed to talk to Will right quick."
"Please come here."
"Fine." I reluctantly walk over to the foot of his bed.
"How are you? I've been trying to find you for a while."
"I'm good. Why were you trying to find me?"
"Because, I needed to ask you something."
"Why'd you leave?"
"I had to."
"But why?"
"You know, don't you?"
"Yep. Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone. You'll have to do that soon enough."
I run out of the infirmary as fast as I can. "Chiron!" I run to him.
"Yes, are you ok?"
"Ezra knows."
"Knows wha-- oh."
"It's ok. But he is a part of the team somehow."
"I know. But I don't want him to be." Chiron goes back do training the kids. I just remembered I have sword fighting lessons with Luke and Percy today. I fly over there.
"You're late!" Percy yells.
"Maybe I'm not late, you're just early!" I land next to Luke.
"So, y'all ready to get your butts kicked?" I smile and pull out my sword.
"No, the question is are you?"
"Let's find out!" Luke swings I block him with ease. Percy swings, I sidestep and he hits the ground. I kick him in the butt and turn to block Luke. But not quick enough and he cuts my arm. "Ow." Now, I'm mad. I kick him in the gut and knock him to the ground. He drops his sword and I put my sword against his throat. "Dude." Luke says looking at my arm. I look down at it. It's bleeding, not red, but gold. Ichor... "Uh..." I pull my sword back and sheath it. I fly off as fast as I can. I land on the porch of the Big House. "Chiron?" I walk in. Great, Dionysus, just what I need.
"Chiron's not here. Can help you?" He fakes smiles.
"You'll have to do." I pull my hand off my arm. "They know."
"Oh, kid." He looks at my arm.
"Don't call me kid."
"Let's go into the infirmary."
"No! Ezra's still in there."
"So? You've got to get in there." Chiron walks in followed by Percy and Luke.
"Oh, Jasmine." Chiron said.
"I knew you shouldn't have been participating."
"Well, either way. It'd would've happened sooner or later." I wince.
"Are you ok?" Luke asks.
"And why are you bleeding ichor?" Percy adds.
"I'll be fine. And I'll explain when everyone's here." I answer.
"Yes, go get everyone that was here when she first came. And tell Leo and Calypso not to take forever." Chiron told them. They ran out and Dionysus convinced me to go into the infirmary.
"Will. Will!" He called.
"I'm" I wince. "Ok, stop freaking out." He sets me on a bed.
"Told you." Ezra yells from across the room.
"And that's why I didn't want to come in here."
"Whoa." Will walks up and looks at my arm.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Please hurry up and do something with it." I ask.
"Uh. Yeah, ok." He goes to start cleaning it.
Ten minutes later, it still hurts, but not as bad. I walk back into the main room in the Big House. Everyone looks up at me. "Hi!" I try for a smile.
"Um... Are you ok?" Hazel asks.
"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." I sit down. "So, I guess y'all want to have some answers."
"Duh!" Leo yells.
"Ok... Well, who wants to ask a question first."
"How do you know us all?" Luke and Thalia asked together.
"Well.... The one who's known me the longest would be Calypso. Because, I'm the oldest child of Zeus and Hera..."
"That can't be." Percy said.
"Oh, but it can and it is." Dionysus said behind me. "That's why you don't call him mr. D... He's your little brother." Clarisse said.
"Ok, how are you still alive?" Annabeth asked.
"And have ichor for blood?" Percy added.
"Well, Zeus was going to give me godly-ship. But changed his mind in the middle of the process. And I was already granted immortality."
"Wow." Piper stated.
"Yep. And I met most of y'all randomly. Percy, meeting you was on purpose. But, I think the rest of you was accidental."
"That's awesome!" Clarisse yelled.
Nico pointing at his arms, wanting me to show the group. I shake my head no. Then I see Chiron walk up behind him and nod his head yes.
"I'm also, Greek and Roman. And I'm blessed by most of the gods. The ones I'm blessed by, I have marks for the the Romans get." I pull my sleeves up to show everyone.
"Whoa." They all say, except Nico. He just nods his head in approval. I shoot him a look say "I hate you..." He smiles and continues holding Reyna's hand.
"Hello, everyone." Ezra walks in. Everyone jumps and goes silent at the sound of his voice. "No hellos?"
"Well, you're kinda creepy." Leo said. I burst out laughing, because this is the most awkward situation ever and if I don't laugh, I'll probably cry. Everyone else starts laughing too.
"You know creepy voice and stuff is just an act." Ezra says in his normal tone. He sounds like a surfer dude.
"Well, you win an Emmy for scariest movie." Frank laughs.
Ezra sits down laughing. "I do a pretty good stalker too. Don't I, Jasmine?"
"Yes, yes you do." I laugh.

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