The Eldest Daughter: Chapter 9

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The Eldest Daughter
Chapter 9
Great... First bad dreams, now stable cleaning. At least I have help. It's me, Thalia, Jason, Hazel, Nico, and Ezra. We made bets to see if the Zeus kids or Hades kids could clean the stables quickest. "Done!" Jason announces.
"Aw, man." Nico says.
"Y'all cheated, didn't you?" Ezra asks.
"Hey, we finished first. Whether or not we cheated is our business!" I answers him and high-five Jason and Thalia.
We go put the stuff up and head toward the archery training area. "Hey, Jazz. How are you with a bow and arrow?" Annabeth asks.
"I don't know. In all my years, I've never used a bow and arrow."
"Well, never a better time than now." She hands me one. I shoot at the target and hit the center of it perfectly.
"Are you sure you've never used one?" Thalia asks.
"Pretty sure." I laugh and hand the bow back to Annabeth.
"I'm gonna go for swim. See y'all later?"
"Could we join? Gather up the group and have a lake party." Hazel asked.
"Why not?"
"Ok, Jason you want to tell the rest of the group?"
"Sure!" He flys off and me and Thalia head towards our cabin to change.
"Woohoo!" I run off the dock and cannonball into the water. Followed by everyone else. Frank turns into a rather large goldfish. So he can breath under water. Percy can breath underwater cause, well... You know. And I can breath underwater because I'm blessed by Poseidon.
"Well, this is fun!" I yell when I go back up.
"Sure is!!" Jason yells.
"You, Frank and Percy are lucky!" Rachel says. "Getting to stay under water."
"Yeah... Maybe just a little." I force some water over Annabeth's head.
"Hey!" She yells. Then percy forces a ton of water over all of us.
Later, at dinner.
"I wondering why, Chiron called off the meeting?" Rachel asks.
"Yeah, it's not like him." Annabeth states.
"Hold on." I close my eyes and go into his mind. "Guys! They gods have all disappeared!"
"What?" Everyone asks.
"I can read people's minds, and I read his. Dionysus is even missing. And he doesn't ever leave camp!"
"That can't be right!" Annabeth said.
"It is."
"Then, let's go talk to him about it tomorrow." Leo suggested.
"Yeah, I mean. We're a team that's already put together." Calypso agrees with him.
"I don't know." I say. "It still doesn't seem right though."
"Yeah, I agree with Jasmine." Annabeth says.
"I say we talk to him tonight."
"Ok... When?" Leo asks.
"Now... Chiron!" I call him over. "We need to talk to you. We'll meet you in ten minutes at the Big House."
"Ok." He walks off.
"Really, that easy?" Percy asked.
"Yeah, I mean usually he ask why or something." Annabeth said.
"Jasmine, can you go deeper into his mind?" Luke asks.
"Yeah. I can show y'all everything I see too. If y'all want."
"Yes." Annabeth answers.
"Ok." I close my eyes. "Tell me when."
"Stop." Luke says.
I open my eyes. "That's not Chiron." We all look at him.
"Hazel... Is he using the mist?" Annabeth asks.
"Yes, I think he is."
"Can you remove it?"
"I can try."
"And Piper, you need to be able to charm speak it into surrendering."
"Ok." She answered.
Hazel removed the mist from it. "Stop!" Piper told it. It stopped moving.
"It's a Doom Walker." I say under my breath.
"A what?" Percy asks.
"It's one of Moros' minions. Piper, make it tell you who has the gods and Chiron."
"Who has the gods and Chiron?" Piper asked it.
"What does he want with them?"
"To bring doom and death upon them."
"To become ruler of all." It disappeared.
"Who's Moros?" Percy asked.
"He's the spirit of doom. He's the son of Nyx, you know Night who we met in Tartarus." Annabeth explained. I shivered at the thought of Tartarus.
"Well, let's head to bed. We apparently have some gods and a camp director to find tomorrow." We head our separate ways and go to bed.

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