Chapter 4: Bad news

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Varian pov
It's been about three days since I got 'rescued' knowing my luck it won't last long. Apparently my hands were so broken, and crushed that they were almost irreparable. The doctors of course were gonna do all that they could to fix them. Honestly, I just want to see my mom. I miss her hugs and small soft kisses on my cheek before heading to sleep. I honestly wish she had never died. That was the only reason why dad did this. He's always blamed me, to be honest it probably was my fault. I was the one making new chemicals and playing around with other crap. She got exposed to it all the time. A light knocking on the door pulls me from my thoughts as I began to spiral. A knock comes again and a voice comes through the door saying "Varian can I come in?" I say wth a shaky voice "Yeah you can come in" Cas steps through the door and into the room with a small worried smile. She grabs a chair and pulls it up next to my bed "Hey Varian"
"Hey Cass" A small crack gose through my voice as I speak. Gosh my throat was soar.
"Do you need some water?"
"Yes please?" She grabs the glass of water from the bed stand and moves the straw so I can get it and once I've finished taking a drink I say "Thank you.'
"Your welcome."
She talked with me about random things I got to rant about my chemical knowledge with her. She brings up eventually talking about if I had any known living family.
"I don't know if I did it would've been on my mom's side and yeah.. I don't really know of any family"
"Okay well you don't have to think about it."
"Thanks" I wish I knew of any other family members I could stay with, but any on my dad's side would probably be the same as him.
"....So I have a bit of bad news for ya. I... Know this is probably the last thing you want to hear but I thought you deserved to hear it.... Your dad has escaped our custody and we don't know where he's gone"
My heart stopped beating and all noise around me went silent. 'He's gone, he escaped, he's going to kill me' I couldn't tell what was going on in my surroundings my vision had started going black. My dad is free and he's going to kill me,  gonna die. He's gonna come for me and kill me. A soft and gentle hand cupping my cheek pulled me out of my head and storm of thoughts to a gentle fluffy cloud of dreams. I stared into the pools of olive and started breaking down into tears as I stared into these soft and gentle eyes. Strong yet gentle arms wrapped around me and a voice softly shushed me in an attempt to calm me. The voice started singing a gentle lullaby it's words and tune calming me and pulling me into the realm of soft dreams and words. The cloud like feeling surrounding me was comforting. I never wanted it to go away.
(Im having some writers block be prepared the next chapter will be longer)

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