Object Lockdown 3

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Paint PaletteIridescent/Shimmer/PeacockMoon/Pearl/LapisLight Rare eyes

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Paint Palette
Light Rare eyes

Paint Palette, also known as Painty, is a contestant on Super Object Battle, Super Object Battle Two, and Object Lockdown.


Paint Palette (Painty) is creative all the time. She often leads the way in challenges due to her creativity and leadership skills, but due to this, she sometimes comes off as bossy to her peers. She also likes to paint, dance, and hang out with her friends, such as M&M ,Grassy, and Bottle, who are in her alliance. She is a positive character who strikes to win challenges.

(Idk really what to do with her, help pls)
(Maybe she can change the color of her peacock gene at will, if I could edit sprites I would combine several peacocks)

(Idk really what to do with her, help pls)(Maybe she can change the color of her peacock gene at will, if I could edit sprites I would combine several peacocks)

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Nature Common eyes

Pumpkin is a male contestant on Object Lockdown. 


Pumpkin is very dense and goofy, and follows completely backwards logic when making decisions and he possibly ships Cherry. He likes cosplay, as seen in Episode 8. He gets excited easily, and sometimes overexcited.

SkateboardBasic/Basic/ScalesAuburn/Copper/SilverPlague Common eyes

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Plague Common eyes

Skateboard was a male contestant on Object Lockdown. 

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