We Are Together Bulletproof (Ep 20)

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I step through the doorway into their dorm. Jungkook follows me, shutting the door behind us. Jimin and Hobi, who were just hanging out in the living room, shoot to their feet to greet me.

"Y/N?!" Jimin says loudly. Surprise is clear on his features.

"Hi Jimin-oppa, Hobi-oppa," I say as they move to hug me. Kookie lets me go, and I squeeze tightly around Hoseok's waist.

"Y/N," he wheezes out, "please stop squeezing."

"Oh my gosh sorry!" I quickly move back toward Jungkook. But Jimin steps forward before I can hide myself.

"I just ate," he tells me. "Do not squeeze."

I wrap my arms around him tentatively and he hugs me back, then releases me. "So what brings you to our dorm this fine evening?"

"Well, I really just came because I wanted to talk to my Kookie, and seeing you guys was a fantastic bonus!" I tell them with a smile. In the back of my mind, I wonder if Jungkook will tell them about our conversation, or just mention it in passing, or keep it as something that he keeps to himself. I don't know. Part of me hopes that he'll tell them, because it's nice to have friends who care about me. Another part wants them to not worry about me, because I'll have to develop a thick skin at some point if I want to continue dating Kookie.

We sit down on the couch, and they ask me what I've been up to since they saw me this time yesterday.

"Well, I went home, slept, and then I went on a date with this one right here." I stop for a second to glance at Jungkook, who's sitting next to me on the couch, holding me against him. I continue. "Then I went home and made dinner, and I got here about, oh, about five-ish minutes ago."

Kookie starts talking, so I close my mouth, "You said you ate dinner already?"

"Um yeah." What was I supposed to say to that? I have no clue. Was there a right answer? Like what is he trying to say?

Wow. I really over thought that, didn't I?

"Okay, that's good. I know a lot of girls in this day and age who don't eat to get thinner." Oh that explains it. He's looking out for me. That's cute.

"I like my body the way it is," I tell them honestly. "If I'm destined to be a healthy girl with an average weight and a reasonably okay build, then I'm okay with that. I don't intend to be anorexic to meet anyone's idea of 'healthy'. I only have to be good enough for me." Okay, I played myself up a bit there, but if I didn't they'd be on me about how I was beautiful to them and such. I'm good enough for me, and that's good enough for everybody. Or it should be, anyway.

Hobi claps a few times. "Well said, Y/N, well said. And I don't know if you saw, but there are a lot of people on social media that really liked you last night. They said you're really pretty, smart, and sweet."

I can feel my cheeks warm a tiny bit. "Thanks Hobi-oppa."

"Hey!" cries Jungkook. "I'm the only one allowed to make her blush like that! She's my girlfriend!" I can't help the startled laugh that comes out of my mouth. Is he really jealous? He pulls me even closer to his side, looking down at me. "You find that funny?"

It would seem that he's serious about this. "No. I don't find that at all funny." I try and say it with a straight face, not betraying my need to laugh. "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." I quickly stand up as Kookie removes his arm from my waist and lets me escape to the bathroom. Once there, I let out a few good chuckles, and I do end up doing my business. I wash my hands and walk back out to the living room. They're just sitting there being beautiful, and I take a second to appreciate their faces. Jimin has opened his phone, and he's laughing at something. Hobi looks over and laughs with him, his lips forming a heart shape. Kookie has his back to me, but he appears to just be slouching into the couch. They're all gorgeous.

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