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My mom got a new job at a town 3 states over. That means I had to leave my toxic friends and go to a new school. Fun. I didn't want to go. But I also didn't want to stay. But this was my mom's dream job. She was very excited to move since my dad had left us last year and she could have a new life. And so could I.
I was 19. Starting senior year. Sounds awful.

Right now we were driving to the new town and we were getting an apartment. I was getting excited! I was so anxious for tomorrow though. I had to go to that new school. I think it was named after someone.. I cant remember.. I think it was something like, 'T. H. Thugy' or something. I hope I'm not joining a gang.

We got all of our stuff into the apartment and I slept on the floor.
Before I knew it, it was morning. I wore Jean's and a hoodie of my favourite color. My mom drove me to the school and it looked actually kind of normal. I walked inside and I had my headphones on.
Inside was a mad house. Idk who the principal was but boy did he need to come and fix up this cafeteria! I was greeted by and man with a lime green suit on and a green beanie on. He had glasses on and a hospital mask. It was green. He stopped me and shoved what he was holding in my chest. I stared up at him in confusion and looked down at what I was now holding. It was a teal blue shirt that said: 'I heart cats' with a cat as the heart. And some black pajama pants with cats on them with yellow ties. Where am I? Am I dreaming?
The man motioned for me to sit somewhere. I looked at the many people dressed in what I was holding and they were all chatting while eating something at the many tables. I quickly went to the bathroom and changed. I looked like I just woke up.
I then heard a bell ring that sounded like a blow horn. Jesus. I got the paper they mailed to me and it said I had gym first. Fun.
I followed a bunch of giggly girls to the gym and changed into shorts and sat down on the bleachers in the gym.
A very tall man walked in with the same shirt as all of us and he had short brown hair and a grin on his face. I'm guessing he was our teacher.

??: hello everyone! My name is Mr. Kopotun and I am your gym teacher. I am also your math teacher. Today we will be playing basketball! But it is a free period so you can do anything basketball related!

He seemed fun and nice.

Y/n: Mr. Kopotun, I'm not very good at basketball though.

I stood up.

Denis: oh, that's okay! Do you want me to help you?

Y/n: yes please.

Denis: okay. First let's get you a basketball.

I followed him to the closet and he gave me a 'girls' basketball.

Y/n: could I have a 'mens' basketball?

Denis: why?

Y/n: I don't really like the girls have this boys have this, if you know what I mean.

Denis: yes I understand.

He took the ball out of my hands and gave me a heavier ball. We went back into the gym and he taught me how to throw the ball into the net the right way. Before I knew it the bell rang again. Or should I say horn.

Denis: I'll see you in math! Wait, what is your name?

Y/n: oh.. its y/n. Bye!

I quickly changed back into the pajama bottoms and put back on my headphones. I had history next. History was not my favorite. Hopefully I had another nice teacher.
I found my locker and got all my stuff for all my next classes, I didn't have much.
I found the history room and walked in.

??: what's your name?

I looked up to see a man in very casual outfit, nose ring, and purple hair. He had a nice style.

Y/n: uhh y/n?

??: yep! You are in my class! My name is Mr. Orman. You can call me Alex!

Y/n: nice to meet you, Alex!

I smiled at him and chose a seat in the back. I opened my art journal at stared at my fan art of this Youtubers I watched. They were called The Pals. Ahhh I loved them-

Alex: okay, everyone go get a green book off the shelf! We are reading chapter one today.

Hmm. Something seemed off... where have I heard.. T..H..Thugy.. before?

(Watch the pals clubhouse disaster if you don't know who t. H. Thugy is, it's one of my favorite videos of the pals)

I shook it off. Probably nothing. Maybe this school is just making me crazy. I went over to get a book but I felt myself fall.. into darkness...

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