oopsie woopsie

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I got to the office but the door was locked. No no no, this can't be happening!

Ethan: get back in class y/n!

I turned around to see ethan walking towards me.

Y/n: but- I-

Ethan: no, come on.

He grabbed my arm again and dragged me back into class.

A few minutes later class was over and I tried sneaking out

Ethan: do you want me to call your mom?

Y/n: nooo

I walked up to his desk. Everyone was gone.

Y/n: I have to go to science!

Ethan: maybe I could call Mr. Orman and tell him you are staying after..

Y/n: be my guest.

Elijah's pov-

I got 5 chairs and put them in a circle for all of us while sub called everyone down to the office.

Elijah: okay! Come sit down.

Sub and I sat down and waited for everyone to come. Someone knocked on the door.

Denis: I'm here!

Elijah: yay! Come sit by me.

A little while after, alex and Braden came and sat down aswell. Alex sat by sub and Braden sat in between denis and alex.

Alex: so what's up?

Elijah: I have called this family meeting so that we can all talk about what you are all still doing here!

Sub: wow.

Elijah: okay, here me out. I think you should all quit your jobs, we get y/n out of here, and we all become full time youtubers and be the pals that we are. How does that sound?

Sub: you do realize it's not as easy as you think, right?

Alex: the school would collapse if 3 teachers, and the principal just left. PLUS you already gone.

Denis: oh alex, always the smart one here.

We all laughed.

Elijah: I know it would be difficult, but who cares about the school?

Elijah: I still need to get Ethan and Amie out too...

Elijah: i need to get Amie out of his house and Ethan to a therapist-

Sub: what are you talking about?

Elijah: nothi-

Someone was turning the handle. The door was locked.

Braden: we are all here so its probably nothing.

Alex: true.

Denis: you're right.. this is difficult.

Sub: we could make a plan, or we could all quit at different times. Like 1 person a week.. orrr

Elijah: we could leave and never come back!

Denis: wow. Nice lije.

Elijah: I'm serious!

Alex's phone started to ring.

Alex: Ethan...

Elijah: wait! Don't pick up. I have a plan!


Y/n's pov~

Y/n: and that's why I want to leave. You can't keep me here!

Ethan: shh! He answered.

Alex: (on the phone) heyy

Ethan: where are you?

Alex: In my classroom. How about you

Ethan: I'm in mine too? I was just calling to let you know that I have y/n here and I needed... to help her with something and she will be late to your class today. That's all.

Alex: wait! Dont hang up! I mean-

I got distracted from listening to thier conversation with a small noise. The door was slowly opening.

Alex: you have to tell me why-

Elijah: why you think you can be an asshole to my girlfriend?

Ethan looked up. Startled.
Elijah smirked, thinking he had won.

Ethan: that's it I'm calling your mom.

Y/n: no wait! Please don't call her!

Ethan: give me one reason why I shouldn't call her?

Y/n: because.. I stayed after school with you so that counts!


That was the last word I heard.

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