Chapter 5 - Bimbo?

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Chapter 5

"Hey Emerald." He nods in my direction, giving me the slightest interest, then turns to Dylan. "Do you know where Casey is?"

Did he already loose her again? Damn.

Dylan rolls his eyes. "No, I don't care where she is. Let her minions find her or call her cell." He acts like he's been through this kind of situation before. "You want to join Emerald and I at Sherries?" He says out of no where, totally changing the conversation.

What? When did I ever say I was going to Sherries? Did he even ask me? I'll just set him straight after he's done talking with Jordan.

"Sure, after I find Casey. I could also bring some friends over too. Let Emerald get to know the gang."

"Has she met Casey yet? She always finds a way to introduce herself to the new kids every year." Dylan asks.

I don't know if me meeting Casey or not was meant to be a secret but I answer Dylan's question instead. I tap him on the shoulder. 'Which one is she? Is Casey one of those bimbos you see on tv? Like those girls.' I point to a small crowd of girls that are dressed a little bit inappropriate for school. He follows my finger and laughs. Jordan also spots the girls but has no idea why I motioned towards them. I'm so glad he doesn't know sign.

Dylan signs back to me. 'No, she's even worse. Like Regina George.'

His comment makes me laugh too. Not many guys talk about Regina George or know about her. I'm impressed. Jordan definitely isn't. "What's going on? Are you talking about Casey?"

Dylan just smiles and shakes his head. 'He's a love sick puppy. Really needs to get a life.'

I cover my mouth with my fist and act like Jordan just got roasted, even though he doesn't know that he has been.

Dylan starts walking forward and ignores Jordan's questions. "Come on, Emerald."

"Where're you going!? What were you just talking about?" Jordan wants answers so he turns to Dylan again when Dylan was about to leave. I try to walk with Dylan and get him away from Jordan but something anchors onto my wrist. I spin around and come face to face with Casey.

Guess what Jordan? I found your girlfriend. She's fucking staring at me with her demon eyes like a maniac.

I stare back.

"Are you still incapable of talking?" She makes a fit but I could care less about her complaints. She's the one that pulled me aside.

I raise my eyebrows as I wiggle out of her grasp.

"Look, I was giving you a compliment but you don't have to join cheer." She crosses her arms together as she mentions the topic from before. "You'd probably be incapable of doing that too and wind up falling on your ass and injuring my teammates, or me and that can't happen so never join cheerleading. Okay?"

I'm sorry but the fuck?

"Hellooooo!?" She waves her hand in front of me like before. "My gosh you're such an idiot."
Jordan and Dylan somehow have appeared by my side again and this one boy comes out of no where and leans on Casey's shoulder. He's very tall. A kind of tall that's towering and menacing. He even looks kind of mean even though he's smiling. 

"Hey guys. Are we going to Sherries today? My moms been giving me smoothies instead of actual food, lately so I need to eat something greasy as soon as possible." The guy notices me and smiles even wider. "The new girl. Nice to meet you I'm Pedro. What's your name?" He brings his hand away from Casey's shoulder and towards me.

I don't answer. He probably knows my name already but wants to be polite or something.
"She doesn't talk, Pedro." Casey answers for me.

Pedro frowns and retracts his hand. He turns to Casey. Jordan has somehow maneuvered by her side instead of mine. "Why? What did you do to her. It's only the first day, Casey! Chill."

Obviously Pedro is joking but Casey takes it too seriously. "Nothing! She just won't talk. What does that have to do with me!"

"Why? What's wrong with her?" Pedro asks again.

"How am I supposed to know? Maybe she has a problem."

Dylan cuts in. "Emerald's coming with us to Sherries."

"Emerald. Wow, that's a pretty name." He moves towards me and snatches my glasses off my face. He looks at my face more. "You even look pretty too. Prettier than Casey."

He gets smacked in the arm. "Pedro! She does not." I hear Casey squeal.

I also hear Jordan speak. "Hey, you should give her her glasses back. She can't see without them."

It's true I can't. I used to wear contacts all the time but when I wear my disguise I actually bought an ugly pair of actual glasses to complete the look. But right now I have neither contacts nor glasses on my face to make me feel any less vulnerable than I am right now. It's unnerving for me and Pedro has made my senses on high alert. I view him as an enemy now. He isn't my friend and if Dylan or Jordan or even Casey hangs out with him then they aren't my friends either. I'd rather not have any friends for the whole year then have to deal with Pedro.

Glasses are just something you never mess with.

Now you've pissed me off. You better not make me angry anymore. Nothing ever good happens when I lose my temper. So bitch better not tempt me. Pedro's officially on my dislike list.

I reach for my glasses but Casey gets to them before me.

She puts them on. She fucking places them on her big headed, egotistical shape of a head.

Bitch you did not just.

"How do I look? Do I look like Emerald?" She mocks me.

"Nope. Even Emerald can rock the glasses look but you can't rock a thing." Pedro simply states.

Casey scoffs but takes off the glasses. "I can't even see anything with these on."

She complains to me and ignores Pedro. I move to take my glasses away from her but just as I reach out, Casey's hand let's go of them and they fall to the floor. "Oops, my hand slipped. Sorry." 

She bends down to get them but "accidentally" steps on my glasses.

I instantly crouch on the ground and pick up my broken glasses. I regret waking up for school this morning.

"Sorry. I guess I also need glasses to see where I'm stepping." She speaks in an innocent voice which seems like she actually didn't mean to break my glasses but her eyes betray her voice. Even without my glasses I can still see a blur of her eyes.

The only thing I want to do know is to talk. To tell her that it's okay and that I'll get revenge on her later. But I can't talk, I won't so instead I sign to her. I don't care if she knows that I'm deaf anymore. It doesn't matter. Hopefully after this I won't have to deal with her anymore. I won't talk to any of them after today.

I turn to Dylan as I get up from the floor. 'Tell Casey that it's okay that she stepped on my glasses.'

He nods and looks at Casey. "She's says it's okay."

"She's deaf? Your deaf?" The realization dawns on her and I'm guessing it clicks in Pedro's brain too.

All I do is smile and chuckle at her sudden questions. The look on her face was priceless when she finally realized. Her shocked face was enough for my anger to go away.

But then my face hardens and I go back to staring at her. I quickly give a 'She's both a Regina George and a mini Kylie Jenner' to Dylan and then I leave them in the now empty hallway. Not wanting to deal with their crap anymore.

I have a sister that's waiting for me and a job to get to. There's no room for conversing with bitchy friends on my schedule today.
They're not my friends anymore. And I'm not heading to Sherries with them.

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