Chapter 3 - I know, I know, I'm Ruthless

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Chapter 3
I know, I know, I'm Ruthless

"Hey guys, you see Lexi over there?" I hint at the main doors and they stop paying attention to me and look at Lexi. They realize she's being harassed and the tension in the air shifts a bit.
I put a small smile on. "Watch this."

I approach Brittany with so much swagger that not even the cool kids can recreate it. I act like I'm in my own gang or I finally witnessed my own ritual in the cult I recently joined.

I gently rustle Brittany's hair. She turns around, obviously furious, but before she can say anything I grab her hand in a clasp and we do a little hand shake that I made up. I move to give one of the jocks a high five but tap him in the crouch instead. "Peanut pinch!!!!!"

Brittany looks at me in disgust. " What the hell, freak!"

Some of the jocks tend to the injured jock making a path open to Lexi. There's still some cheerleaders in the way so I mess with them too. I pull on one girls hair. Another girl was putting on lipstick so I grab it and put it on her nose and put triangles on her eyes, making her look like a clown. Another girl obviously stuffed her bra so I expose her and take the pads out. I throw them on a glass door and they stick.

I laugh. I wasn't expected them to stick at all. I hear people laugh behind me too and I realize that I've embarrassed them long enough so I reach over and grab Lexi's arm. As we walk away from them Brittany calls out to me.
"I hate you!"

I turn around whilst walking. "Love you too, Brit Brit."

"Kiss my ass!"

"Kye's already done that for me!"

I reach my friends and motion for us to use the back doors. As soon as we aren't in ear shot I stop walking and ask Lexi a question. "Why were they bothering you?"

"I don't know and what was that up there? What's a peanut pinch? And what the hell were you even doing!? What the fuck was with the change of voice and then the bra pads!? You're so weirddd!!!!" She drags that last word on for awhile and walks away from me.

My friends and I watch her go before I say something. "She didn't even thank me for saving her."

While in the mists of my weird (yes I can admit it too) showdown my other friends have appeared behind.

Wes walks in front of me. "Yeah, no one cares about that. On the plus side though, you actually peanut pinched Dylan!"

"Don't forget pissing off Brit Brit!" Bri laughs as she mimics the nickname I made up.
"And did you see those bra pads-"

Their voices fade away. I tune them out, really not caring on what they have to say. I fade away from everything. Pretty soon I hadn't even realized I was at the warehouse.

"Kinglet. Kinglet?"

I snap out of my trance. I look up to see my father calling me. "Yes?"

"Are you ready?" He holds the handle to a door that leads to another room. A bigger room then we're in right now. Schools over and I'm now with my father. My mother's somewhere else, who knows where. My gang off doing dirty work for King, my dad and then there's me.

About to kill someone for the thousandth time because they always confess. Always and once they do I have to make the killing no matter what. They don't get to live even if they don't confess. It's just how Bloodlust works. It's how I work.

I look at the door. Waiting to see the face of the person I get to kill today. "Yes."

I answer Kings question and then the door opens. I walk in like a model walks on a runway. Gun in hand, another gun on my waist, a knife in my boot, a pin in my hair, a wire in my bra and swords on my back.

Anything that could help me in life threatening situations, I have it on me. Always got to be prepared when torturing. Of course there's a set of torturing tools on the infamous table that's always in here but I never need it. I use my fists, wit, smarts and my appearance as torture.

Next to the table is a man. The man is hanging from chains both on his ankles and wrists. He looks uncomfortable. His head hangs low but I can tell he's been beaten from all the blood on him. I'm guessing he was also trying to get free because of the bloodstains on his wrist. He didn't succeed, that much is obvious.

I approach him from the front. My dad stays behind me, by the shadows. There's only one light and it's shining on the prisoner.


I say greetings and the prisoner comes to light. He looks up at me. His eyes are a hazel color and his curly hair matches his medium sized lips. His nose is straight and small and he looks adorable. He doesn't look old or show experience in his eyes instead he shows a special kind of innocence that makes him look younger then he is. He has a light tan but given the situation he looks pale as a ghost. His appearance could torture me if the roles were reversed. His appearance could make me fall in love with him as it did long ago.

But I'm over him now. And I can't believe Andy was framed. I know Andy. He couldn't possibly kill anyone. He must've just been at the wrong place, at the wrong time and now this is where it got him. In the center of my gangs den and at his death bed.

And I'm the one to kill him.

"Faye? Oh my gosh did they get you too? Where... What's... Why-" I can tell realization hits him smack in the face. "Wait, why do you have a gun? Why so many weapons? What's going on!?"

His words come out like he's choking on air. Then he looks furious, then sad and disbelief.
"Hey Andy. I'm sorry this happened to you." I talk to him with so much sympathy in my eyes. He's my best friend, my first love, my everything. Well... he was.

"Faye? I don't want to die. I didn't kill anyone. Please just let me go. I won't tell anyone. Is this the Bloodlust gang? I won't tell, okay? Just- just let me go. I can be your new doctor if you want. I can be useful. Please I can give you money. You can't let me die, Faye!" His voice cracks and he chokes again. This time he chokes up blood. "Faye... Please... I love you..."
He looks at me again. His eyes have somehow become bigger. And the hazel color looks more like a light green now. Maybe it's just the light though.

I look at him. I look at his miserable and pleading face. He doesn't want to die. No one ever just wants to die, especially not at the hands of Bloodlust. He wants a miracle. He's hoping for one so bad I can tell. Should I give him one?

In the heat of the moment. I unbuckle his chains. I take them all off and put my gun on the table. "I love you too, Andy. Now go. Go!"
His face fills with relief and he runs. Runs for his life because he needs to. But he can't run fast enough to save his life. I take my gun off the table and once he touches the door I take aim and shoot. In seconds the bullet collides with his skull and he's dead. His body falls to the ground. The life he once had now gone.

I did give him a miracle because I loved him. But his miracle only lasted a few seconds.

My dad shows up next to me as I step around his body and out of the room.

"Did you know him?" He asks.


"Do you love him?"

"Do you still love him?"

A long time ago I used to ask myself that question everyday. Hoping that I would get over him because I valued our friendship more. But that was a long time ago. Today is now and right now, I don't love him. I lied to him before he died. I lied because I wanted him to feel at peace and feel loved before he died. But maybe I shouldn't have lied.

It's too late now. Now he is dead. Now I will respond to my dad with one simple word. I've said yes too many times today. Now it's time to say


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