Chapter 2 - School Drama

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Chapter 2
School Drama

"We have a mission for you." My dad says while he drives me to school. "Someone shot one of our doctors and we have a guess on who it is. The problem's that they won't confess so you need to torture them and once they make a confession you can go ahead and make the kill."

I nod as he parks the car a block away from the school so no one sees us. "Okay. Should I meet you after school at the warehouse?"


I nod again and get out of the car. I wave goodbye and start walking to Duncan High School or DHS if you want to abbreviate. After awhile I reach my destination and walk to my locker. The second I open my locker all my friends appear out of nowhere and start talking at once.

"Yes, it's Thursday! Just one more day and I'm free from this prison."

"Hurry up. I need to get to class so we can get to breakfast."

"I'm so tired. School sucks."

"Anybody want to help me study for my programming test?"

"Have any of you seen Zander?"

"Faye look. A poster of the one act."

Everyone kept speaking but when Nat mentioned the poster it got real quite. I gather my things and shut my locker. When I turn around everyone's looking at the poster. I join them.

"10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse by Don Zolidis." Wes reads.

"Damn it. It's only for middle schoolers." Nat complains and I smile at the irony.

I throw my arm around her shoulder. "It's okay you'll get'em next time." I walk away with Nat but turn around to my other friends. "Meet you at breakfast in 5."

Then Nat walks with me to my classroom. I can see that she doesn't have her stuff with her so she already put her stuff in her class. We make our way to my Science class and then to breakfast. After a few minutes of socializing the first warning bell sounds and we head to class. The day is a bore. I go to my classes, do my work like I always do, socialize and all that crap. Pretty soon lunch arrives around the corner. My friends and I always meet at our table or in the lunch line so I speed walk my way to the cafeteria. I walk pass my locker, the elevator and the bathroom. I stop before I make it to the stairs when I hear someone. It's coming from the girls bathroom. I walk inside and see Lexi, one of the freshman, crying in front of the sink. She sees me when I walk in and quickly wipes away her tears. "Sorry."

She tries to leave but I stop her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

I take her back to the sink. "We both know you aren't. It's okay. You can tell me. What ever it is I'll give you some advice and we won't see each other again if you don't want to."

I lean against the wall, patiently waiting. "You might as well speak to me."

I've heard that Lexi doesn't have any friends. When you're a freshman it's kind of hard to adjust to a high school and make some friends. I hope she can survive her first year. I'll root for her.

"Look. It's none of your business, okay? I'm fine." She leaves, just like that and I watch her go.

I walk out of the bathroom to see which way Lexi went but I don't see her. She didn't give off any indication on what was bothering her. I don't know if she's getting bullied, if she's lonely or if she's falling behind in school. All I know is that you don't just start crying in a schools bathroom and say your fine and expect me to believe it. Somethings going on. I hope she'll be okay.

I try to forget about Lexi for the rest of the day and continue to walk to the cafeteria. When I get there and get my food everyone instantly starts talking over each other, trying to get their stories out. Bri claims that her math teacher kept staring at her in class, Wes managed to fail his science experiment, Myra and Harry just ignore us and either eat or suck each others faces and Nat keeps complaining about how she hadn't heard of Zander yet.

I tell Bri that she's over exaggerating about the math teacher staring contest thing and I gloat on how Wes should've picked me for the experiment instead of Harry. This gets Harry's attention and in the process I slap Myra in the shoulder and tell her to stop making out with Harry or I won't be able to keep my food down.

Plus the school doesn't allow PDA.

Lunch ends, then school ends and I'm already at my locker with Myra as I pack my things. I'm surprised she isn't with Harry. Ever since Myra and Harry have been going out she's always been by his side instead of mine. Myra and I are best friends but I guess we've been growing apart lately. It's Harry's fault.

Even when I'm done packing and we start walking to the main doors, Harry comes out of nowhere and holds hands with Myra. Then Nat comes out of nowhere too.

"I texted Zander to see if he's sick today but he hasn't responded. I've texted him like a billion times!"

"Relax Nat. I'm sure he'll be here tomorrow and he'll probably text us in the group chat that he's fine. I wouldn't worry about it. It's Zander, of course he'll be okay..." I trail off when I see Lexi surrounded by a bunch of cheerleaders and jocks. They're blocking the main doors.

Lexi seems uncomfortable from where I'm standing. The jocks hunch over Lexi and Brittany twirls her hair. I wonder if this is the reason Lexi is "fine."

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