Chapter 9 - Seriously? The Beshers? Again?

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Chapter 9
Seriously? The Beshers? Again?

It's Saturday. I said farewell to Izzy and watched her drive away for another year of college. While I'm stuck here and have to endure another year of school. I feel lonely.

More lonely then ever. Sure my mom is still with me but now I have no one to talk to here. It's okay though. I can still talk to Izzy or the other friends I've made before I moved this summer. It's five o'clock again. Before Izzy went we through a party for her. We didn't invite the whole town though. Just my mom and I and our staff. The party was a blast but now it's over. Now I have to help the rest of the maids clean up.

After awhile the house looks spotless again. Now I lay on my bed with nothing to do. I wished so much for the weekend to come but I never planned on what to do when it did. I decide to work out for an hour. Then after that I'll do my homework and go to bed.


Yes, it is Sunday. Today I'll do something different. I finished all my homework yesterday so I'm free to do anything now. I make a full buffet for breakfast. I make waffles, bacon, sausage, omelets and hash browns with fruit smoothies. I offer some food to the maids but they refuse and my mom and I are left to dine alone. I couldn't eat all the food so there were some left overs. Afterwards, I put my disguise on and went on a jog around town.

When I got home I was surprised with some guests. The Besher family was sitting in my living room talking to my mom. When I walked in the room everyone turned to look at me.

"Emerald!" Carmen runs up to me and gives me a hug but she instantly pulls away. "You're sweaty."

I kneel beside her and laugh. I ruffle her hair again.

"Emerald, the Besher family will be staying for lunch. Why don't you go freshen up?"

I nod at my mother and wave goodbye to Carmen. I give a quick smile to Mrs and Mr Besher then I head up to my room. I take a quick shower.

Izzy isn't here this time to be my personal translater and mom will be too busy talking to help me. And I can't sign when only Dylan can understand it. I also don't want to use the app this time to help me either. What am I going to do? What if Carmen tries talking to me?

Should I get one of the maids to translate for me or sit next to Dylan and he'll help me communicate with Carmen?

I get out of the shower. I pick out a sweater to match with my black leggings. I wear a diamond necklace for accessories and my hair tied into bun. When I walk down the stairs they all are still seated in the living room.

I'm guessing the food isn't ready yet.

Instead of joining my mom in the living room I maneuver my way to the kitchen to help the maids with the food. I help them make a green dressing that'll go on the main course. Which is steak. It takes awhile for me to make the green dressing though so once I'm done I tell the rest of the maids to finish off the meal and make ice cream for dessert (courtesy of Carmen) and then walk out of the kitchen.

When I walk out I stumble into my mom.

"Andra! There you are! I looked in your room and you weren't there. You should have been talking to our guests! They're only here to thank you for helping Carmen get back home."

So Carmen did tell her parents about me. 'I'm sorry. You know I don't like to socialize.'

She sighs and swings her arm around me. "Oh, I know."

We walk into the living room.

After awhile we start to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Besher sit next to my mom. Dylan sits next to Carmen. Carmen sits next to me and I sit next to Jordan. The table we sit at is pretty big so we don't sit too close to each other. After we finish the steak, dessert comes out.

Carmen beams to me. "Ice cream! I hope there's Oreo ice cream. I love Oreos."

I smile at her. I sign. 'Oreo and cream are my favorite ice cream too.'

Dylan translates for me. "Emerald says she also loves Oreo ice cream."

Carmen looks at me. "You do! What's your favorite candy!?"

'Lollipops and chocolate.'

"I love chocolate too!"

'Do you want to try Nutella?'

"Is it chocolate?"

I nod. This time I don't sign so Dylan doesn't have to translate for me.

"Then I'll try it!" She grins just as the ice cream comes out. I'm served with Oreo and chocolate ice cream. Carmen is served with Oreo and vanilla ice cream. One tiny scoop vanilla and one scoop Oreo. She doesn't need that much sugar anyway.

Ms. Kinney is the one that served us so I grab her arm and sign to her. 'Can you bring a spoonful of Nutella for Carmen?'

She nods and scurries away. We all enjoy our dessert and then the dishes are cleared from the table when we finish. Carmen was brought her Nutella and she loves it. She tells me she wants more but I just smile at her and shake my head. This gets her in a pouty mood but I ask her if she wants to see my collection of Barbie dolls. I don't still play with Barbies but I still have them from when I was little. She asks her parents if she can see them and they say yes. Now we are left alone in a room that I have dubbed the toy room since we got this house.

Carmen is amazed on how much dolls and dream houses I have. And the fact that I designed a whole town makes her squeal and jump up and down.

I don't know how long time passes but Jordan and Dylan come down stairs with Ms. Kinney. Carmen and I have ventured away from the toy room and I'm giving her another piggy back ride. When I see Jordan and Dylan, I assume that they came to get Carmen, so I lower Carmen into my arms and I spin her around like a baby until we reach Ms. Kinney. I put Carmen down.

"Can I keep one of your dolls?" She asks.
I nod. She runs back into the toy room to retrieve one of my dolls that she liked. I glance at Ms. Kinney and smile at her. She takes the hint and leaves.

Dylan talks to me. "Thank you for finding Carmen. We were really worried about her. I didn't know she ran away until we got to Sherries."

I nod toward Dylan but I don't talk. Or sign. Carmen comes back with a classic Barbie doll. I take her hand and lead her upstairs. My mom, Kerry and Morty are waiting by the door when we get there.

"Thank you for having us over and I'm so glad that you found Carmen. You could've stayed for awhile and we would've invited you for dinner. And Terese too." Kerry speaks to me for the first time today. She's talking about why I didn't escort Carmen to the front door.

'We could come over for dinner another time.'
My mom translates for me. "She says that we should have dinner some time again."

"How about tonight?" Kerry offers.

I was afraid she was gonna say that. 'I have too much homework to do tonight. I'm sorry but I can't come." That was a lie. I already did my homework.

My mom. "She can't tonight she has too much homework to do."

"Oh. Well you can bring your homework and after dinner you and Jordan can help each other." Kerry insists that I come over.

I didn't expect her to counter attack my excuse but good thing that I'm great at improvising. 'Jordan won't be able to help me with this homework. He doesn't take the same class as me.'

Translation: "Jordan can't help her with her homework because he's not in her class."

"Oh. That's alright. Another time then."

I nod at her statement, finally relieved that she and her family's leaving. I give Carmen a hug and wave her goodbye. Dylan and Jordan glance at me as if to say goodbye in their own way.

Then they leave.

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