Chapter 1 - Ew, Not Zander

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Chapter 1
Ew, Not Zander

"Stop making out!" I yell towards Myra and Harry. They sit opposite on a tree. When they pull apart to glare at me Myra falls out of the tree and face plants on the ground.

I laugh. "Come on, Myra. Join me up here."
I give out a hand so she can climb on the train too. She grabs it but takes me down with her. I also plummet face first in the ground. I groan as I move to lay belly up. I stare at the sky for awhile, reluctant to get up. There aren't that much clouds in the sky. There's too much rays of sunshine and not enough colors of grays and softed whites.

My eyes refocus as Myra's middle finger hides my view of the sky. I shift my attention to her as she walks away in the process of flipping me off.

"Bug off, Faye." Myra speaks in a playful tone as she climbs the tree her boyfriend is on. Harry helps her. "It's not my fault you need attention all the time."

She speaks in an accent that makes her sound like one of those American actors from the 80s. I gasp. "You're making me sound like drama queen."

"You have the qualities for one."

"It's true." Harry adds on.

I find that offensive so I jump up from the ground and walk away from them. "No one asked you, Harry. Why don't you just keep sucking your girlfriends face."

They don't comment on what I'd said they just continue to kiss. I stalk back to the abandoned train. Instead of climbing on top of it I walk inside. I mumble under my breathe as I approach my other friends. "I'll be over here."

Bri and Nat aka Bridget and Natalie look at me when I take a seat. "Where's Andy and Wes?" Aka Zander and Wesley.

Nat answers me. "They went in the woods a few minutes ago to piss."

I nod. "So what're we talking about then?"

Bri looks at Nat. "We were talking about Zander. He's been giving the look to Nat lately."

I chuckle. "Ooooooh, the look. He definitely loves you then. You should get married."

Nat's eyes open wide. "I'm not getting married to Zander!"

"Why?" I lean in and whisper to her. "Don't you like him?"

Bri leans in too. We all wait for Nat to answer. It's about time that someone else in our group gets together. Now it's Nat and Andy's turn.

Nat just has to admit her feelings first.

Someone has to take the first step in their relationship and it might as well be Nat.

She sighs. "He doesn't like me. I've only known him since last year. Faye has known him forever. You even have a nickname for him. I bet he likes you."

I roll my eyes. "Natalie Tortilla Burke!!!!"

Nat rolls her eyes back at me. "That's not my middle name, Faye."

"Yeah whatever." I ignore her comment and continue, "I already told you that I don't like Andy. Him and I went down that road a long time ago and it didn't work out. We weren't even serious about us anyway. We were better off friends and we shouldn't even have gotten together. Trust me, if he had any feelings for me at all, they're long gone now."

Bri backs me up. "Faye's right. Besides, you and Zander would make a cuter couple."
I giggle. Bri laughs with me.

Nat puts on a warm smile. "Thanks guys but-"

I put a finger up to Nat. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. Stop doubting yourself. You're meant to be with Andy."

I jump up and stand on my seat. "You and Andy; the perfect couple. I can see it now. Nothing will stand in your way. They'll be no trouble. Just take a vow. Today could be the day to get married and be happy."

"Did she just rhyme?" Bri whispers to Nat.
She nods. "I'm scared."

"Andy and Nat. Andy and Nat. Andy and Natalie sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

"You're such a child!" Nat playfully punches me on the arm to get me to stop.

I do. "It's my duty to embarrass my friends." I grin as we embrace in a short hug and sit back down. "You should be lucky that I didn't break into a song. Like those musicals."

"You almost did." Nat shakes her head as if to get the image out of her head.

"I would've joined you if you were to actually sing. My vocals would completely destroy your solo."

I gasp dramatically again. "I'm a great singer. I can even dance." I get up and start doing the sprinkler.

"My eyes. My eyes!"

I hear screams of pain so I stop. "You're just jealous. If I were to ever star in a musical I would get the lead."

"You wanna test that theory?" Nat asks.

I sit back down. "What'd you mean?"

"Well, they're putting on a one act at school. I don't know the name of it but I'm sure it will be revealed once the auditions start." She explains.

"My vocals are meant to sing in musicals not act in plays."

"Why don't you leave the singing to Bri and come with me to audition." Nat smiles.

I stare at her. Did she just subtly tell me I'm horrible at singing?

"Is she always like this?" I ask Bri.

Bri responds back. "How would I know? I met her last year too."

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