Chapter 12 - My Looks Bring All the Boys to the Yard

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Chapter 12
My Looks Brings All the Boys to the Yard

"ALEXANDRA! YOU'VE NEVER GONE OUT IN PUBLIC BEFORE LIKE THAT! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!" My sister squeals through the phone, hurting my ears in the process.

I FaceTime Izzy as I eat my lunch or dinner or linner. Aka my pancake food.

When she saw me she was in shock.

I'm kinda surprised that she actually picked up my phone call. I thought she'd be busy with her friends or something. I was half right though, I can see in the background of the FaceTime and it looks like she's in a bathroom. There's also music playing somewhere. Izzy's at a party.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH! You look so cute! Did your hair grow!? I don't remember it being so long and dark!"

It did grow but only a little and it's not really long. Izzy was right on my hair color. Izzy's hair is more of a chocolate light brown and mines black. Her face is more defined but her nose isn't that sharp as mine. We don't really look that much alike but our eyes are a dead giveaway. Just by looking at our eyes you can tell we're related.

Izzy's a bit tipsy.

"Look! Look at my sister!" She motions for someone and a girl appears. I know her, she's Izzy's best friend. Mara. Mara's cool. I approved her a long time ago same with her other bestie. I wonder where he is.

"Emerald? Oh my gosh! Did you die your hair and finally get rid of those glasses!!!???" Damn it. Izzy's drunker then I thought. Mara doesn't know about my identity either. Until now.
Before I can come up with an excuse another figure pops up in the screen. Dennis.

"Woah! Who's this?" Dennis looks at me. Like a full on stare and it creeps me out. I found Izzy's other bestie.

"Hey, don't you dare think about it Dennis." Izzy punches him weakly in the shoulder.

I finally think of an excuse. I can't speak to them but good thing they know a bit of sign. 'I'm her other sister, Andra. Nice to me you.' I wave at them.

They stare at me confused. Then they glance at Izzy and whisper in her ear. I catch what they say. "You have two sisters that are deaf? That's unbelievable! Wow."

Oops. I didn't think about that part. I guess it is kinda weird for Izzy to have two sisters without the sense of hearing. Eh whatever, they may not remember this conversation tomorrow.

I wave away Izzy and end the call.

I don't really want to deal with Izzy and her friends drunk minds tonight. It's only 7:03 and they're already wasted. She must've had a horrible first week of college. I text her that I'll call her again sometime and get back on my bike. There's a place I want to go before I call it a night. Then tomorrow I'll explore the other half of town.

Sometime after peddling I reach the parking lot of Sherries. Yep, I said what I said. I also said that I was coming back here to eat some more and I'm doing just that. There's just one problem.

This town sucks. This town sucks so much that I see the same people all the time. Do you know where I'm going with this? Do you know who's also in Sherries when I walk in? I'll give you one hint.

The one and only...


And Jordan and Casey and Pedro and other seniors and sophomores that are friends with the Beshers.

At first I have this sudden urge to kick Pedro in the balls. To take him by the collar and slam him on a wall repeatedly. I want him to know how vulnerable he made me feel when he took my glasses off but I don't. I could've. I could've shown him up right here, right now but this place is too public and he hasn't met Andra yet. He's only known Emerald. The nerd. The geek. The one girl with no fashion sense. That's what he probably thinks of me.

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