Chapeter 8 - The Beshers Are Everywhere

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Chapter 8
The Beshers Are Everywhere

It's Friday now. I'm in school and it's lunch time. Like usual I bring my own lunch and head to the roof. Having lunch alone is starting to get really... you know... lonely. I deal with it though. I'm not eating in a room full of teenagers, especially if the populars are in my lunch.

I eat my sub sandwich and sing the time away. I sing my favorite song that I wrote myself. I love writing and singing. I also love to read and draw. When I grow up I hope to be an artist. I love drawing more than singing but I have nothing to draw right now so I sing instead. I sing my troubles away.

The bell rings. I leave the roof and walk to my study hall. I don't forge a pass. I couldn't find one today anyway. Instead I read in study hall this time. Then study hall ends and the last class of the day approaches. I get there late just incase Dylan feels like he should talk to me before class. Forty-five minutes pass by and class is over with.

Dylan tried talking to me again but I get out my earbuds and listen to music. He gets the hint this time and leaves me alone. Doesn't even follow me to my locker. Until I get outside is when I see Jordan. He's in his car with Casey.
"Do you need a ride?"

Despite my music playing I can still hear him. His question puzzles me, not because Dylan said that to me yesterday it's because I don't think Casey would like that. So I don't respond to him.

My eyes wonder to Casey. I stare at her. Not an anger stare or a pity stare. I look at her betraying no feeling at all. I want to show her that she won't know my next move. That she doesn't know who I am and if I hate her or not. She stares back at me, trying to figure me out.
Dylan somehow comes up from behind me. I really hope he wasn't following me this whole time. "Hey Jordan. Are you going to Sherries?"

"Yeah. Wanna hop in? Pedro's gonna meet us there."

Dylan nods and hops in. He offers to me. "Wanna come with?"

No. I don't want to come. Why don't they get that?

I keep glaring at Casey.

"Emerald? Want to come?" He repeats his question like I didn't here him before.

I put my hood over my head and walk away from them. I said I wasn't going to talk to them and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Casey doesn't like me anyway.

Instead of walking home I walk to the park that Izzy and I went to once. It's 3:20 when I lay on the slide and take my backpack and glasses off. I formed a headache again and it's bothering me.
After ten minutes pass I hear crying near by. I put my glasses back on and follow the sound. I stop at a picnic table that's hidden behind some bushes.

A little girl is covered with tears. Her face and shirt stained with salted water. I go to her and sit across from her. She doesn't notice me. I pull out my phone and go on this talking app that I downloaded last year. I never wanted to use it 'til now.

I type a sentence into the app and press play. "Hello."

The little girl, looks about 7, lifts her head up and glances at me. She's startled and doesn't say anything.

She's probably debating on wether to talk to a stranger.

I type another sentence in the app. "Are you okay?"

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