Chapter 14 - Zach is Crazy

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Chapter 14
Zach is Cray-cray

"Dude! What's going on? Are you ok?" Ricky helps his friend up. His friend clutches his head and blinks multiple times. I guess I hit him too hard. "Zach. Zach?"

Wait? This is Zach? The guy that tried to force himself on me is Zach? Well, Zach is seriously messed up.

"Wait here. I'll get some help." Ricky scurries off, ignoring my existence.

Zach tries to get him to come back but he has a hard time moving. Should I help him? It was my fault that he's hurt? I approach him from the side. Carefully, I slowly tap his shoulder. He turns to me. 'You might have a concussion. I can check, if you want?'

He takes in no pity of the fact that I'm deaf. I don't even think he saw me signing to him. His face alines with anger and lunges for me. "Bitch!"

I'm caught off guard as he punches me in the face. I fall against the wall. I stand up away from the wall just as Zach pushes into me again. We're face to face.

"Why'd you come to the party if you weren't going to play?" He slams his lips onto mine. "When you're in my house you're gonna have fun, okay? Mess around with me. Be my slut."

His words take a hold of me as I realize that he's really crazy or really drunk. He kisses me harder making my lip bleed. Just as I'm about to knock him out someone walks in on us. I expect it to be "the help" Ricky went to get but it was Casey.

She spots us by the wall. "Oh sorry. I didn't..."
She trails off when she sees me waving at her to go but it's too late. Zach turns around and sees her.

Casey immediately senses the tension in the air and notices my bleeding lip. "You're bleeding."
She whispers more to herself than me. Zach springs off of me and stalks over to Casey.

Casey backs up. "What're you doing? Get away from me!"

Zach hits her. Hits her again and again. Casey falls to the ground in an attempt to crawl out of the room but Zach closes the door and locks it. Then he practically throws her on the bed.

She whines. "What are you going to do, Zach? This is why we never hung out with you. YOU'RE CRAZY!"

Apparently Casey hit a nerve because Zach hits her again. Then he starts to struggle with ripping her clothes off.

I want to scream at him. I want to shatter his ear drums in the hopes that he'll come to his senses. I want to do so many things to him right here right now. My knife. My knife can help me. I look around for my knife but it's not here. I must have left it in the bathroom. That means I have no pepper spray or knife to help me. I've always had something to help me.

When I was training in combat mode I had some kind of weapon and if I didn't have that then I had my instructor. He always told me what to do. Even in impossible situations when he reminded me that this was only training and not real life. But this is real life now. This is my first life threatening experience and I'm frozen. I have no idea what to do. In all my years of training I can't remember it all anymore. My mind is blank and I don't know what's happening.

"Please!" I hear begging of cries and screams all coming from Casey.

Oh, right.

This is happening. And I need to do something. There's no way I'm letting Zach do that to her. Not while I'm alive and breathing. I lunge at Zach. I pull him off Casey and punch him once more. He punches back, not caring about his head hurting. His punches pack a lot of force but it's okay. I can handle the pain. As long as Casey's okay. As long as nobody else is hurt.

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