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AN: Welcome back readers. I know it''s been a while but yo! I'll be posting updates from now on since things are a little less hectic now. Huzzah!


The sun rose, steadily and with conviction, seeking to awaken the world and bring the day to start. From within their nest, animals of all kind were roused from their slumber, seeing proof that the deadly night had passed and they survived to see another sunrise.

It was a happy occasion, even as the animals went about their lives, never considering how easy they could die. Like every morning, the birds let out calls of jubilation, chirping as they flew to catch their breakfast.

Anyone witnessing this daily but beautiful scene might let out a breath and feel a lightness in their heart. Surely this was the best part of the day, beholding the majesty of such an event.

Yet Qin Rong was not one of those people. Those bastards were what he hatefully referred to as 'morning people'.

He was not a morning person.

The birds can go fuck themselves! The mercenary scowled, trying to block out the sounds and failing. I'm trying to sleep yet they won't shut up!

He wanted to sleep in, to curl up and relax now that he'd found himself a nice warm burrow to settle in. Yet the sounds of the morning felt closer than before, as if something was calling out to him rather than the world.

The desire to shut those damn birds up welled up within him enough to rouse him from his slumber. It was a familiar feeling, similar to the frustration of wanting to continue sleeping but knowing you couldn't unless you got up to turn off the alarm. And by the time you did that, you were already awake, so you couldn't go back to bed.

That was the first feeling Qin Rong felt as he glared out the window.

I hate you, sun.

The sun reciprocated his hatred as it shone brightly, damn near blinding him even as the last dredges of sleep slipped away. With a deep scowl, the mercenary sat up and surveyed the room.

Where the hell was he? Looking around, he couldn't place his surroundings. He'd been waking up in a tree for days now but now he was in a room? It wasn't even his own room. This room was way too nice. So where was-

A loud snore echoed through the room, shocking the fatigue from him. Beside him, there were two children snuggled close. One under the thick covers and the other on top of them. The resemblance between them made it clear they were related, both having skin like caramel and pitch-black hair.

"Oh, right, I forgot about you guys." He muttered, crossing his legs to study the two. Darn, they really were cute, weren't they? The desire to poke their cheeks welled up in him until he heard it.

That ungodly snore.

Qin Rong covered his ears, horrified that such a small child could let out such a sound. Was the kid part lawnmower?!

Now fully awake, Qin Rong jumped out of bed and headed downstairs. Like the day before, the house was empty, his footsteps echoing down the hall the only sounds he could detect. He considered whether or not to eat the food that old hag had left behind but chose to leave it be. He might be mooching off these kids but he wasn't going to eat the only food they got.

Since it was pretty early, only a few animals were out and about. Yet Qin Rong was happy to walk outside, taking in the early morning air. The mild chill energized him, making him want to move and get his blood pumping.

When he was alive, he'd always wake up early in the morning to exercise and work out. It was a habit he'd held for years and even after being reborn, that habit stuck with him. The only issue was that this new body was weak and small, so he couldn't do half the things he did as an adult. As such, all he could manage at this point was jogging for as long as possible.

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