Just Coffee?

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​You wake up to the sound of your alarm. You roll over and turn it off. You groan, you can't remember why you set the alarm in the first place. You get up and grab your phone. You see a new message from Mick.

Mick: Hey can't wait to see you

You realize that you have to go to coffee with Mick today.
​"Darn. Can I just go back to sleep and not show up?" You wonder.
You shake that thought from your head. You don't want to be rude. You hop into the shower. You take extra long to do your hair and makeup, you don't now why your dressing up for him, maybe you just want the extra confidence boost. You curl your (hair color). Then you apply natural looking make up. You put on a pink flowy mini dress. You grab a pair of your pink high heels and throw them on. You decide to text Mick and tell him that you're on your way.

You: Hey I'm headed there now.
Mick: Okay. I'm already here see you soon.

​"Wow, he's already there?" you think.
You grab your keys and hop into your car. The drive doesn't take to long and you don't need to pull up directions because you go to this coffee shop all the time. You walk in and go up to the counter.
Nick greets you, "Hi, (Y/N) what can I get yeah today?"
​"Just my usual," You chuckle.
​"Of course," He smiles at you.
You grab your wallet to pay but then you feel some one's hand on yours. You look up and notice it's Mick. He smiles at you with wide eyes.
​"I'll pay," He tells you.
​"Oh no, it's no big deal, I can pay," You stutter.
​"No I insist," He chuckles.
You feel yourself blush, but you just nod and let him pay. He puts his hand on the small of your back making you shiver; he guides you to the table he was sitting at. You sit down and he sits across from you. You place your drink on the table and stare down at it.
​"(Y/N) you look amazing," he complements.
You blush again and look up at him.
​"Thank you," you say.
He nods.
​"Your still scared of me huh," He sighs.
You nod a little noticing that you're slightly shaking. You don't know why he makes you so nervous. You just know that he's a bad boy and he probably just wants to get into your pants. You also know that if he does try and get into your pants you can't stop him, he's so much bigger then you and taller. Your wearing four-inch heels and he still towers over you.
​"I won't do anything to you (Y/N). I would never do anything that would make you uncomfortable," He explains.
You chuckle at that, he has already done something that makes you uncomfortable, he asked you to come have coffee with him, that makes you uncomfortable.
​"So, um what do you do for a living?" You ask trying to break the awkward silence.
​"I play guitar for a band called Slipknot," He says coolly.
​"Oh, of course he does," you think.
You nod and smile, fidgeting in your seat.
​"Can I ask you something?" Mick questions.
​"Sure," you whisper.
​"Why are you so scared of me?" he asks.
​"You just make me nervous. You're a lot taller than me and kind of scary. Sorry if that offends you," You speak your mind.
He just chuckles. You bite your lower lip and he stares at you.
​"So why did you want to meet up?" you ask him.
​"I just want to get to know you. You seem like a nice girl," He chuckles.
You nod not really knowing what to say. You take a sip of your coffee and just take a second to stare at him. He has really pretty eyes, and you begin to get lost in them before he pulls you back to reality.
​"So you're a student?" He asks.
​"Yup," You say shyly.
​"Are you studying library science?" He asks.
You look at him in shock, he doesn't look like the kind of guy that would know what library science is.
​"Yes I am. I want to work at the library full time, and I can't do it without a degree," you sigh.
​"I see. So why do you like the library so much?" Mick questions.
​"Well I just love books. Like everything about them, the smell, the feel of paper, everything," You ramble.
Mick chuckles and you look at him and then realize what you said.
​"Sorry. I'm sure that sounded weird," You giggle nervously.
​"Don't worry. There is nothing you can do to freak me out," He laughs.
You just shrug, he's probably right, you're not a very scary person, in fact you don't think that you're so interesting either which is why you are wondering why he wants to talk with you.
​"Yeah I guess I'm not to interesting," You blurt.
​"You're very interesting don't worry," Mick assures.
You blush, you have been blushing a lot today.
​"So, what do you do when you're not working or at school?" He asks.
​"I paint, or build sculptures, sometimes I cook. Um what else do I do. Oh! I'm a gamer," You say proudly.
​"Cool. What kind of sculptures do you like building?" He asks.
​"Um just whatever comes to mind. I'm really fascinated with human anatomy, so I make a lot of men and women," You yelp. Your getting excited now that you are talking about things other then work.
​"Nice. Like nude sculptures of men?" He wiggles his eyebrows at you, and you flush.
​"Um...um... sometimes," you stutter shyly.
​"Sorry didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," He sighs.
​"You didn't. I guess I'm just a little embarrassed that's all," You whisper.
He smiles at you.
​"So, what do you do in your free time?" You ask trying to break the tension.
​"I play guitar and sleep," he chuckles.
​"Must be nice. I wish I could just sleep," you yawn. You rest your head on the table and look up at him.
He gulps and shifts in his seat. You rest your head on your arms.
​"So how long have you been playing guitar?" You question.
​"Since I was younger. Honestly music brought me out of a very dark place. You see my friend Paul he died and we where all so sad. I just really miss him. So, music saved me. I have always needed music to get through life and guitar just speaks to me you know?" He sighs.
Your hand rests on his and you rub circles on the back of it. You had no idea that he had been through so much.
​"I'm sorry," you mutter.
​"Not your fault," He chuckles.
You look up at him and smile, your glad that he went back to being happy, you don't like seeing people sad.
​"So, what kind of music do you play?" you ask.
​"Metal," He smiles.
You nod, you figured he would be into the heavy creepy stuff. Your phone starts ringing, and you notice it's from your boss.
​"I have to take this," you tell him, he nods.
You answer the phone and place it to your ear.
​"(Y/N). How is your weekend going?" Your boss asks.
​"It's good. How is yours going?" You reply.
​"It's good. I was just wondering if you could come in later today. They is a new shipment of books that came in and no one else is available to put them away," He sighs.
​"Yeah sure," You groan.
​"You're a lifesaver thank you so much," He cheers.
​"Of course. Bye," You say.
​"Bye," He replies.
You hang up the phone and sigh.
​"I have to go into work. They need me to put away a new shipment of books," You groan.
​"Okay," Mick nods.
You realize that you won't be strong enough to lift those boxes. You look at Mick and then your eyes land on his bicep.
​"Um Mick do you think you could help me?" You ask. You don't want to have to spend more time with him because your still quite scared, but you know you can't do the job alone.
​"Sure. With what?' He asks.
​"I won't be able to lift those boxes. They will be to heavy. If you could help me that would be amazing," You giggle.
​"Yeah. I'm not doing anything later so I would love to help," He says.
You smile at him. You appreciate how sweet he's being to you. He stands up and you stand up as well. You grab your purse and then he leads you outside.
​"You can follow me," You tell him once you remember that you both drove in two separate cars.
He nods and walks you to your car, you begin to get nervous again. You slip into your car and shut the door. You start the engine and Mick walks to his car. You pull out and Mick follows you. You watch him in the review mirror.
Once you reach the library you park around back. You get out of your car and walk over to Mick. He gets out of his car and suddenly you feel very small. You look over towards the door and notice that's where all the boxes are.
​"These people are so lazy," You mutter, you hear Mick chuckle behind you.
You unlock the door and walk into the back of the building. You search for the light switch and when you turn it on Mick is right in front of you. You squeal.
​"Sorry. You startled me," You apologize.
​"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare yah," He chuckles.
You walk back outside. You try to pick up one of the boxes but you trip and fall backward. Mick catches you and you grab onto his neck. You stare into his eyes noticing that your mouths are extremely close. You can smell him and he smells good. You pull away from him and straighten your dress.
​"Thank you," You mumble.
​"Of course. I wasn't just going to watch as you bust your ass," He giggles.
You look at him shocked, you figured he probably curses but you have never heard him do it. You giggle. He picks up three boxes and carries them inside. You stare in awe when he comes back and effortlessly carries four more. You try to pick up one of the small ones, but you stumble. Mick grabs your waist and steadies you. You smile at him and try to take a step forward. Mick grips your waist a little harder scared that you will fall and hurt yourself. You make it inside, and you set the box down.
​"That was really heavy," You chuckle.
​"Yeah it was," He laughs sarcastically.
You playfully shove him.
​"Not everyone can life two thousand pounds Mick," You tease.
​"Even I can't lift two thousand pounds. Stop exaggerating," He giggles.
Mick brings the rest of the boxes in. You open them up and begin sorting them. You sort them by the floors that they belong on. Once you finish you and Mick grab the boxes of books that belong on fifth floor. You walk up the long flight of stairs.
​"I hate stairs," You growl.
​"Me too," He grumbles.
Once you guys reach the fifth floor you stop to catch your breath. You walk to the back of the fifth floor to the exact aisle that you met Mick. You place down some of the boxes and begin opening them. You grabbed one and noticed it belongs on the top self.
​"Darn. I forgot the ladder again," you groan.
You feel strong arms wrap around your wait and you squeal. Mick places you on his shoulders just like he did last time. You place your hands on his head and look down.
​"Gosh, you just love doing this don't you?" You chuckled at Mick.
​"Sorry. Your just so light, I can't help myself," He giggles.
You shake your head and laugh. You place the book on the top.
​"Mick, I think all those books go on the top," You tell him.
He nods and then he leans down. You scream and your hands grip into his hair.
​"Mick your going to kill me," you gasp.
Mick laughs and picks up the box. Once he is standing up straight again you let go of his hair and then smooth his hair out.
​"Shoot, sorry I think I messed your hair up," You sigh.
Mick drops the box and practically throws you off him as his hands go to his hair. You scream as your flying through the air almost falling. Mick realizes that your flying away, so he quickly grabs you midair. He pulls you into him and you wrap your legs around his waist. You squeeze your head into his chest. It happened really fast, but he didn't let you fall. You wrap your arms around him practically shaking. Your skirt was bunched up, but it didn't expose anything thankfully. Mick pulls you into him even more.
​"I am so sorry. I overreacted and then I went to touch my hair and next thing I know your flying away and I almost let you drop and get hurt. I'm so sorry," He rambles. 
You don't say anything you just burry your head into his chest. You close your eyes and try to calm your breathing. You feel yourself being lowered and you open your eyes realizing that Mick sat down. Your pretty much straddling him with your arms still wrapped tightly around him. You look up at him as he smooths your hair.
​"I'm sorry," he whispers again.
​"It's okay," You tremble.
He hugs you even more and you begin feeling comfortable, you haven't felt this comfortable with him until now and all it took was him throwing you. You smile against his chest but then realize you have been hugging him for to long. You crawl out of his lap and stand up; you smooth out your skirt. He stands up as well.
​"Can I pick you up again?" he asks.
​"Only if you promise to not throw me to my death again," You say.
You hold out your pinky and he smirks. He wraps your pinky around yours.
​"I promise," he replies.
Then he turns you around and picks you up. You kind of like it when he picks you up but your not going to tell him that. Once you're on his shoulders he picks up the box and begins handing you books. You put them away on the self.
Soon you finish all the books that belong on the fifth floor. Your sitting on the floor leaning on a bookshelf, Mick is sitting next to you. You look over at him with tired eyes.
​"We only finished one floor," You groan. "Mick I'm so tired."
​"Did your boss say you had to finish it all today?" Mick asks.
​"No," You smile.
​"Then can you finish it later?" he asks.
​"Yes," You yawn.
​"Mick, I don't think I can walk. I'm so tired," You say sleepily.
Mick chuckles and picks you up bridal style. You cuddle into him. You are starting to enjoy his company. Maybe he's not a bad guy at all. You stare up at him and he smiles at you.
​"Can we go back to the room that the rest of the boxes are in? I need to write a note," You sigh. Mick nods and carries you there.
Once you reach the room. Mick sets you down. You try to walk but you trip in your heels. Mick catches you and then sits you down on a table. You grab some paper and yawn. You write the floors of the building and then put it on the right boxes. You nod in approval of your work. You hear Mick chuckle. Your attention snaps to him.
​"What's so funny?" You ask.
​"You are always so focused on your work," He giggles.
You smile. You reach out for him like a baby asking to hold its mom. He picks you up and carries you out the building. You lock the door and he carries you to your car.
​"You won't be able to drive," He mutters to himself.
​"(Y/N). I'm going to take you home and then I'll take you back here tomorrow to pick up your car," he explains.
​"Okay," You yawn.
You cuddle into him and close your eyes. He puts you in the passenger seat of his car. You give him the address and then dose off as he drives. You wake up when he pulls to a stop in front of your place. He gets out of the car and walks around to your side. He opens the door and then picks you up. He grabs your purse and then walks you inside.
You tell him what floor you live on and he hits the button on the elevator.
Once he gets inside your apartment. He takes you to your room. You start to get nervous but you're too tired to express it. He places you on the bed gently and then kneels down. He undoes the strap on your heels, and he takes them off. He places them neatly in your closet.
​"You can take your dress off by yourself, right?" He asks nervously.
You nod and begin to undo the zipper. Mick's face turns red and he turns around. Once your out of your dress you speak.
​"Can you grab some of my pajamas from my closet?" You yawn.
You see him nod. He walks into you closet and you hear him moving hangers around. Mick comes back out; he's holding a fuzzy onesie. You chuckle. He puts his hand over his eyes so that he doesn't see you in your underwear.
​"Thanks for not being a creepy pervert," you giggle.
​"Yeah of course," he chuckles.
You grab the onesie from him and slip it on.
​"Okay you can open your eyes now," you tell him.
He opens his eyes and smirks at the onesie.
​"What? Do you not like it? You're the one who picked it out," you tease.
​"You look cute," He giggles.
You blush. He disappears into your bathroom, when he emerges, he is carrying a makeup wipe. He walks up to you and kneels down in front of you. He gently wipes the makeup from your face. He picks you up again and places you under the covers.
​"Do you want me to leave?" He asks.
​"No. You can stay," You tell him.
​"Okay. I'll go sleep on the couch," he says.
As he turns to leave you grab him by the arm. He looks at you in shock. You pat the bed gesturing for him to get in.
​"You sure?" he asks.
You nod.
​"You can take your jeans of too. There probably not very comfortable to sleep in," You blurt.
Mick just shrugs and takes them off. He crawls into bed with you and you squirm closer to him. You cuddle into his chest and sigh. You look up at Mick and he smiles down at you which causes you to smile back. You snuggle into him and fall asleep.

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