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You wake up and walk to the bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror and gag. Your hair is knotted, and you have drool caked to your mouth. You grab a rag and turn on your faucet. You splash the cool water on your face and then you wash your face. You take a quick shower and brush your hair and teeth. Then you put on an over sized hoodie and some nock off lululemon leggings. You pull your hair into a messy bun and then you put on your round glasses. As you walk into your kitchen you notice that there is a little box on the table. You see a yellow sticky note attached to the top of the box.
On the sticky not it says, "I found something that I think you might like. Thanks for going out to get coffee with me. -Mick."

You place the sticky note to the side and begin to peal the wrapping off the box. When you finally open it, you see a little bracelet that has little charms in the shape of books. You smile and put the bracelet on.
After heating up some of the pancakes that Mick made, you quickly eat and then run out the door. You hop into your car and drive to school.

The campus is full of people laughing and talking before there classes. You try and ignore the people, you're not very social and you have always had trouble making friends. You hurry to your first class which is library science. You take a seat in the middle of the classroom. Some girls walk in and then laugh at you as they walk past you. You sigh and open up your laptop.
The teacher walks in and begins discussing the lesson for today. You try and pay attention and take detailed notes but the girls behind you wont stop talking.
​"You will be assigned a group project. I will assign the groups," The teacher says.
You look up from your computer and start to panic. The teacher starts reading off names from his list. Eventually he calls your name and pairs you with the two girls behind you.
​"Great," You think.
The bell rings and you hurry to grab your things.
​"Hey doll! Looks like we will be working together," The girl that was sitting behind you says.
She laces her arm through yours and starts asking you questions.
​"So, when do you want to get started on the project?" The other girl says.
​"When ever you guys want," You laugh.
​"Okay well we should meet up at the local bar tomorrow night," The girl that still has her arm hooked through yours announces.
​"Sure," You say.
​"What was your name again?" They ask.
​"Oh I'm (Y/N)," You tell them.
​"Nice to meet yeah sweetie. I'm Brooke and this is Beckie," The girl giggles.
​"Yeah nice to meet you," You chuckle.
You exchange numbers with them and then you scurry out of the classroom and too your next class.

(Later that day)

You drive to work. You're very excited to go to work but not for the usual reasons. You hope that you will run into Mick again, you haven't heard from him since you went over to the studio. You can't stop thinking about him and you know it's wrong but whenever you're with him your heart starts to flutter.
You park your car in the staff parking lot behind the building. Using your work key, you go through the back door. When you flip on the lights you can't help but think about when Mick was here helping you put books away.
As your looking around the room you notice that no one put away the rest of the books.
​"Why do I have to do everything myself?" you groan.
You unpack the rest of the books and mentally thank Mick for organizing the books with you. You pick up one stack of books and begin carrying them up to the second floor. You head to the back of the room and start putting the books away.
Eventually you finish that floor and you go back downstairs to grab the rest of the books. You look around the room hoping to see Mick. When you don't see him, you sigh and walk into the back room. You grab another set of books and begin putting them on the shelves. You feel someone tap your shoulder.
​"Hey," A voice says.
You look over and get a little too excited.
​"Hi Mi-," You start, but then you realize that this guy is not Mick.
The man is very tall, not as tall as Mick but maybe only a few inches shorter. He's got long dirty blonde hair and an overgrown beard. He's wearing a jacket that's spiked.
​"Hello Sir, may I help you?" You ask, your trying not to mumble.
​"Yes baby. Do you think you can show me a good time?" He says as he strokes your arm.
​"I'm sorry sir. I don't think I understood your question," You tell him.
You hope he will leave you alone, he's scary and he's making you very uncomfortable. You're not sure what he wants and that scares you.
He grabs your waist and presses you against the wall in isle.
​"Come on darling. Don't play dumb, you know what I want from you," He growls.
You feel his hand crawl lower until it's resting just above your crotch.
​"Please don't touch me," You say, you move his hand away and try and escape him.
He slams you back into the wall and grabs your hip harshly. He looks into your eyes and you look back at him. His eyes are cold and almost evil looking.
​"Let go of me," You squeak.
As soon as he begins to slip his hand into your pants Griffin walks over and moves him off you.
​"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Griffin says in a stern voice.
The man scoffs at him and then walks out the door.
​"I'll see you around love!" He calls after you.

You look into Griffin's eyes.
​"Griffin, did, did that really just happen," you stutter.
​"Yes, it did. I'm sorry (Y/N)," He says softly.
He pulls you into a hug and you hug him back tightly. A tear slips out and rolls down your cheek.
​"(Y/N). you should go home for today. You have had enough," Griffin says into your neck.
You can't even speak all you do is nod. You walk to the back room and grab your purse and then head to your car. Griffin walks with you to make sure that dude isn't outside waiting.
​"See you tomorrow (Y/N). Be safe. Don't talk to strangers okay," Griffin says into the window of your car.
​"Okay," You shiver.
Griffin reaches into the car and gives you one final hug. You roll up the window and drive back to your apartment.

Once you arrive at your place you walk to your bedroom and break down. You start sobbing into your pillow.
​"Why?" You sob.
You don't understand why you would let him touch you like that. You try and think on the bright side, at least you didn't get raped.
You grab your phone and call Mick. After a few rings he finally picks up.
​"Hey (Y/N)!" He says in a cheery voice.
​"Mick," You sob weakly into the speaker.
​"(Y/N) what's wrong?" Mick asks.
​"I don't want to talk about it over the phone," You whimper.
​"Okay I'll be right over," Mick panics.
You hear him unlocking his door and running out to his car.
​"I'll see you in a second," He says.
​"Okay," you whisper.

You wait in your bedroom until you hear someone knock on the door. You slowly walk over to the door and the banging only gets louder. You open up the door right when Mick is about to nock again. You throw your arms around him and he instantly wraps his arms around you.
​"(Y/N) what's wrong?" He asks again.
You don't even get a chance to respond to him before you start sobbing again. Mick closes the door and picks you up with ease. He carries you back to your bedroom and gets into your bed. You bury your head into his chest. He doesn't say anything he just rubs your back and tries to calm you down.
After about thirty minutes you stop crying. You don't look up at Mick because your embarrassed about the fact that you just cried into his chest for thirty minutes.
​"(Y/N), your going to have to tell me what's wrong," He says in a soft voice as he pulls you even closer to him.
You look up at him and he begins to wipe the tears from your face.
​"Something happened at work today," you whimper in a small voice.
​"There was this guy and he um," you begin to cry again.
​"What did he do?" Mick asks.
​"He pressed me into the wall and slid his hand into my p-pants," you whisper.
​"He did what!" Mick screams.
You squeal at Mick's sudden outburst.
​"Sorry, sorry," He says as he tries to calm your shaking body.
​"(Y/N) why did you let him touch you like that," He says.
​"Mick he was so much taller than me and he backed me into one of the isles," You sob.
​"I'm going to kill that motherfucker," Mick growls.
​"Why Mick? Why did he touch me?" You whimper.
​"(Y/N), people in this world are really fucked up. I'm just sorry that it had to happen to you," Mick says.
You cry against him again. He just places you in the middle of his lap and wraps his big arms around you.

​"Thank you for the bracelet," You sob.
​"Your welcome (Y/N)," He chuckles.
Mick pats down your hair and kisses the top of your head.
​"Do you think you can stay the night? Please," You ask, "I don't want to be alone right now."
​"Of course," He comforts.
​"Did you already eat dinner?" He asks.
​"No," You whisper.
​"Do you want me to heat up pancakes?" he asks.
​"Mick, I am so tired of pancakes," You giggle.
​"Okay. I'll make you some soup," he laughs.
You just nod and crawl out of his lap. You walk into your closet and grab out one of your pajamas. The pajamas are a simple two piece. The bottom of the pajamas are soft and fuzzy and the shirt is a button up.
When you walk out of your closet you hear Mick cooking in your kitchen. You crawl into bed and throw the covers over yourself. You hear someone walk into the room and you jump.
​"Hey, hey it's okay (Y/N), it's just me," Mick comforts.
​"Sorry," You sigh.
Mick sits down in bed next to you and carefully places a bowl of soup in your lap. You thank him and begin to take slow sips of the soup. It's really good and it tastes like potatoes. You feel Mick's hands on you and you look down and notice him buttoning the top of your shirt up.
​"Sorry," You blush.
He just shrugs and continues eating.
​"This is really good. What is it?" You ask him.
​"Potato leak soup," He says.
​"That's why it tastes like potatoes," You gasp.
He chuckles.
You finish eating and you go to grab Mick's bowl that way you can take it to the kitchen to be cleaned.
​"I got it," Mick insists as he takes your bowl from you.
You nod and get under the covers. You shut your eyes and feel yourself falling asleep, your exhausted from crying.
Mick comes back in the room and mutters something.
​"I'll go sleep on the couch," Mick announces.
​"No!" You shout.
You cover your mouth realizing your voice came out in a bitchy tone.
​"Can you sleep next to me please," You say as you pat the bed.
​"Of course," Mick chuckles.
He crawls under the covers and you scooch closer to him. You cuddle into his chest and he wraps his arms around you.
​"Thank you for being here for me Mick," You says sleepily.
​"Of course (Y/N). I will always have your back," he says.
You nod and then feel your eyes shut. You fall into a heavy sleep. 

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