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You yawn as you crawl out of Mick's bed.

Mick is still asleep and you don't want to wake him, you figure you'll give him some more time to sleep.

You stretch your bones as you trudge into Mick's bathroom.

You strip your clothes and stare at yourself in the mirror.

You smile lightly at your sleepy reflection.

As you step in the shower you can feel the butterflies swirling around in your stomach.

You are so nervous for today. This will be the first time you go back to work in a couple of months.

You yank your hair tie from your hair and toss it onto the counter before closing the sliding glass door to the shower.

You let out a satisfied sigh as the water trickles down on your body.

You stand in the water for a moment, enjoying the heat.

You then grab the body wash and begin to lightly scrub your body.

You arch your back and raise your arms over your head allowing the water to run down your arms and chest.

You rinse all the soap from your body.

You wash and condition your hair before brushing it out.

You turn the shower off and grab a towel hanging on a rack.

You pat yourself dry before stepping out of the shower.

You wrap the towel around yourself and tuck it in at your chest. You grab a towel and pat your hair dry.

You put your hair in your usual high pony tail and then walk out of the bathroom.

You look over at the bed and notice Mick is sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning," you smile at him.

Mick snatches your hand and pulls you into him.

You land on his lap and Mick wraps his arms around you.

"Good morning," he whispers into your ear.

You shiver at how close he is, you can feel his breath on you.

"Mick. I don't have any clothes on," you giggle as you feel your cheeks heat up.

"I know," Mick growls in your ear as he squeezes your thigh.

"Very sexy," he mutters as he places a kiss on your exposed collarbone.

You groan.

"Go get dressed," Mick chuckles.

You nod and he lets you stand up and walk into his closet.

You grab a pair of lose jogger pants and a long hoodie and pull them on.

You walk out and grab your glasses off the bed side table placing them on your face.

You grab a pair of socks and slip them on.

You look over and watch as Mick slips a shirt on.

You grab your phone and walk out the door and down the stairs.
You hear Mick following you and you smile.

You enter the kitchen and start making breakfast.

You grab some avocados and place them on a cutting board.

You grab some toast and put it in the toaster.

"Looks healthy," Mick mutters as he stares at the avocados.

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