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Disclaimer: This chapter has some adult topics such as rape that might be disturbing to some viewers

You walk into the busy club with two girls you would rather not be with.
You sigh, why couldn't they have picked a more calm place to do the project.

"Come on (Y/N)," Beckie squeals as she grabs your hand and leads you to the bar.

You sit down on one of the stools and look around. You already feel uncomfortable. In fact you took some anxiety pills before you came here that way you don't have a nervous break down in front of these girls.

"Omg drink this," Brook says as she passes you a glass filled with some orange liquid.

You're not a drinker and Mick respects that. You wish Mick was here.

(Mick's point of view)

I walk into the busy club with the rest of slipknot. I didn't have to do much convincing to get them to come.

We pick a booth at the back of the club. I don't want (Y/N) to see me.
The booth has a perfect view of the whole club.

I sit down and spot (Y/N) almost immediately. I can already tell she's uncomfortable. She keeps playing with the cuffs of her sleeves and chewing on her bottom lip.
I notice she has a glass of alcohol in front of her. I'm going to hurt these girls if they get her drunk.

"Is (Y/N) okay?" Sid asks.
"Yeah. She doesn't look like she's having a good time," Chris comments.

"She doesn't want to be here," I sigh.

"Then why did she come?" Corey questions.

"They're supposed to be working on their group project," I grumble.

"At a club? I don't think you can get much done at a club," Corey snickers.

"That's what she said. I told her not to go but she said she has to," I growl.

Shawn rubs my shoulders.

"It's going to be okay man. We're all watching her. It'll be fine," Shawn assures me.

I nod. A waiter comes over and the guys order some drinks. They promised not to get drunk and I trust them. I'm not going to be drinking tonight, I need to be able to pay attention to her the whole time.

The guys start taking about random things and I talk with them but my eyes never leave her. I have a bad feeling about tonight.

(Your point of view)

You're getting annoyed. The girls won't stop taking about how cute the bartender is. Like can't they shut up so you guys can actually get to work.
You sigh as you stare down at your untouched drink.

"Can I get you anything else miss?" A different bartender asks.

"Just a water please," you sigh.

The lady nods and pours you a glass of water. You thank her and take a sip of your water.

Why did you agree to come here. Everything about this place is bad. There's people "dancing," more like fucking each other with clothes on.
The music is horrible. Most people here are too drunk to understand what's going on.

You just want to go home, or better yet go back to Mick's place and cuddle on the couch.

You feel the urge to use the bathroom.

You look up at the bartender lady and she smiles and walks over to you.

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" You ask.

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