Let's go

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(One week later)

You grab your backpack and walk out the door to go to school.
You're not very excited, you would much rather be napping or cuddling with Mick.

Your phone pings with a message. When you open it up you see it's from Mick and you smile.

Mick: Hey baby! Have a good day today. Do you want to come over when you're done?

You smile Mick is so sweet.

You: Thank you. Yeah, I'll head over to your place when I get out of hell

Mick: school's not that bad

I roll my eyes, school is awful, yes I love learning but the people are awful.

You: have a good day baby. I'll see you later

Mick: Okay

You smile as you put your phone away.

You get into your car and begin the drive to your college campus.

You sigh you're not looking forward to this.

You walk into your last class of the day.
This is the class that you have a group project.
You and you're group are supposed to work on this project soon but you don't know when.

As you're walking to the back of the classroom two voices yell at you.

"(Y/N)! Over here!" The two female voices yell.

You look over and see the girl you're working with for your project.
You wave at them when really you just want to flip them off for making a sense inside the class room.

You walk over to them even though you don't want to. They pull out a chair for you and you sit down.

"Hey! How have you been!" They ask.

You stop you're self from rolling your eyes. You're not in the mood for their giddiness.

"I'm good. How about you guys?" You ask.
"I'm great," they both say.

You smile and get out your laptop. This is going to be a long class period.

Brook and Beckie talk the whole class period, their talking is so loud you can't concentrate.
You try to take notes but their talking keeps causing you to mess up.

You're too shy to ask them to shut up so instead you just try your hardest to focus on the teacher.

"Omg did you see that purse?" Brook asks as they talk about the shopping they did that weekend.
"Omg yes! It was so pretty," Beckie replies.

You groan, can't they shut up for two seconds.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" They ask when they hear you groan.

"Nothing. Just a finger cramp," you lie.

They nod and keep talking. You roll your eyes, these girls suck.

You grab out your phone and text Mick.

You: Oh my gosh! these girls won't shut up.

Mick replies almost immediately and it makes you smile.

Mick: Tell those bitches to shut the fuck up.

You: I wish but they're the ones I have to work with for my project

Mick: I would still do it

You: I know you would

Mick: Haha

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