
590 18 15

(Your point of view)

You walk into the sushi restaurant with your hand in Mick's.
You look around and notice there's only one other couple in the restaurant.
It's almost completely dead.

You look over at the employees and their eyes go wide as they see all ten of you.

You look up at Mick and he smiles down at you.

The guys all follow Shawn to a spot in the corner.
Everyone sits down at the booth or pulls up a table and connects it to the one at the booth.

You get cozy in your spot and Mick sets one of his hands on your thigh. He rubs it gently and you smile as you grab a menu.
You touch the top of your head looking for your glasses. When you realize they're not on you head you scrunch your eyebrows together.

"Mick? Have you seen my glasses?" You ask Mick.
He pats his pockets and looks around. Mick's eyes finally land on you and his hand goes to your chest.
You look down as he pulls your glasses from the collar of your shirt.
You feel your face go red from embarrassment.

"Oh," you sigh.
Mick bursts into laughter and the guys look at him.

"Mick's delirious. After this we'll give him a nap," you smirk.

Mick gives you a 'seriously' look and you snicker.
The dudes all smirk and chuckle to themselves.

You place your glasses on your face.
You look through the options. Everything looks so good. You pick out the ones your want and smile happily as you place the menu back down on the table.

"Did you decide what you want?" Mick asks you.

"Yup. Did you?" You reply.

Mick nods.

You listen and chuckle at everyone's conversation.

A waiter comes over and flips open her book.

"What can I get you guys?" The waiter asks.

The waiter sets some water down on the table and begins taken everyone's orders.

"And what would you like miss?" The lady asks.

Everyone turns and looks at you.

"I'll have the California roll, the veggie roll, the avocado roll, the tuna roll, and the spider roll," you smile.

The lady writes down your order with wide eyes.

"Damn, (Y/N)'s planning to eat the whole restaurant," Chris laughs.

You shrug and chuckle.

Mick looks down at you with a smirk on his face.

"And I thought you couldn't eat more than a whole baguette," Mick smirks.

"Well clearly you were wrong," you chuckle.

Mick laughs and puts his arm around your shoulder pulling you into him.

"Okay (Y/N), tell me about this sister of yours?" Sid says as he leans in.

You laugh.

"Well she's two years older than me and a bit taller than me. She's a tattoo artist and a model," You smile.

Sid has a grin on his face as he leans in even closer. At this point you wouldn't be surprised if he laid down on the table.

"And what does she look like?" Sid asks.

"She looks like-," you begin as you lean in.

Suddenly the waiter comes over and starts setting food down on the table.
You sit back down and smirk as you see the pout on Sid's face.

Your eyes widen and your mouth waters as you see all of your food.

"Girl how are you going to eat all of that?" Jim laughs.

"Watch me!" You say as you grab your chopsticks.

Jim raises and eyebrow at you and all the guys laugh.

You take a bite of your California roll first and you smile happily.

Mick looks over to you and chuckles as he sees your cheeks full with sushi.

You chew and swallow before speaking to him.

"What?" You ask Mick.

"You look cute," Mick shrugs.

You smile, "thank you."

Mick lifts his chopsticks to your mouth and feeds you some of his dish.

"That's so good," you exclaim with excited eyes.

Mick laughs.

"Dude stop feeding that girl, she's already eating the whole restaurant," Chris comments.

You burst into laughter.

"Did you guys ever hear about the time (Y/N) ate a whole baguette?" Mick questions.

You roll your eyes as everyone leans in, they're all intrigued.

"So I had finally got her to meet me for coffee," Mick smiles.

You roll your eyes.

"So when I got there she had a coffee and a whole baguette," Mick says.

"Okay! I forgot to tell them to cut it," you say in defense.

"But you still ate the whole thing," Mick says back.

You huff.

"It was a good baguette," you grumble.

The guys all start laughing.

"I was just so surprised that something so small could eat that much," Mick laughs.

"You're just jealous that you can't handle you're food as well as me," you snicker.

"Is that so," Mick says as he cocks an eyebrow at you.

"Yup," you say as you pop the 'p'.

Mick smirks and ruffles your hair.

"Whatever you say kid," Mick chuckles.

You roll your eyes and take another bite of your sushi.

The rest of the night is spent chatting and eating.

"You ready to go?" Mick asks.

You yawn tiredly.

"Yeah," you say as you rub your eyes, smearing your makeup.

"Well let's get you to bed raccoon girl," Mick laughs.

You just yawn in response.

Mick picks you up into his arms and carries you bridal style.

You cuddle into Mick's chest as you bounce lightly with the rhythm of Mick's footsteps.

Mick places you inside and into the bunk.

"Can you grab me a makeup wipe?" You ask him.

He nods and walks off.

You strip off your street wear and shrug as you grab one of Mick's shirts and slip it over your head.

Mick comes back out with a wipe and smiles as he sees you.

"That looks cute on you," Mick says as he notices how the shirt practically swallows you.

You thank him and begin rubbing your makeup off.

Once your face is clean you crawl into bed and make room for Mick.

You watch sleepily as Mick takes his shirt off and his pants. He throws them somewhere and crawls into bed with you.

The voices of the rest of the men echo against the bus walls.

Mick scoops you into his arms and you smile contently as he wraps you in his warmth and protection.

You close your eyes and allow sleep to take you.

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