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(Y/N's point of view)

You grab the plate of pancakes and you put them in your car along with your purse. You get in and press play on the directions that Mick gave you.
The drive takes only about ten minutes and eventually you arrive at an old looking building. The building is giving off bad vibes and you instantly become shy and nervous again.
​"Maybe I should just go back home and tell Mick I ate all the pancakes," you think.
​"No, he would never believe that," You sigh.
After about five minutes of sitting there and contemplating whether you should go inside or not you decide to text Mick and ask him to come out and get you. Mick responds right away and says he'll be right out.
You sit there and wait with the pancakes in your lap. Eventually there's a tap on the window but when you look over, you're not greeted by Mick's burly face. A man wearing an over size baggy shirt and a baseball cap waves at you. You start to get anxious. You don't know if you should roll down the window and say "hi" so instead you just sit there and wait for Mick. A minute later Mick comes running out. He starts yelling at the man in the window. You roll down your window and mutter a hello to them.
​"Hi, you must be (Y/N)," The man greets.
You shake his hand through the window, his hand is warm and instantly makes you feel comfortable.
​"Hi (Y/N)," Mick says as he pushes the man out of his way.
​"Hi Mick," You chuckle.
​"That's Sid. Sorry he's a bit of a handful," He laughs.
​"He seems nice to me," You say as you wave at Sid.
You hand Mick the plate of pancakes.
​"Do you want to come inside?" Mick asks.
​"I don't know. You guys are probably busy, and I wouldn't want to disturb your band," You whisper.
​"Don't worry we are pretty much done for the day," Mick says.
​"Yeah! Come inside it will be fun!" Sid shouts.
You shrug and get out of the car. You lock the doors and follow Mick into the old building.
The inside is nicer than the outside and is instantly more welcoming and less scary. The sound
of someone singing and guitars and drums being played echoes through the hall. You walk
closer to Mick instantly getting nervous.
​"You okay?" He asks.
You nod.
​"Your nervous huh?" He states.
You nod your head a little. Mick pulls you into his side and wraps one of his arms around you.
You feel your face blush from embarrassment and Mick's gentle touch. You find yourself
Snuggling into him. Sid clears his throat and looks at the two of you. You look up at Mick and he smiles down at you. After what feels like an eternity you finally make it to the door that Mick was directing you to. You freeze up and stare at the door.
​"You know what Mick maybe I should go home," You say getting very nervous again.
​"Please (Y/N). I promise the guys aren't mean and they will like you," Mick tries to persuade.
​"Yeah we don't bite," Sid laughs.
You finally agree to walk through the doors. Mick walks in first and then you and then Sid follows. The music instantly stops, and you are greeting by seven other scary looking guys.
​"Hi, you must be (Y/N)," A guy with blonde curly hair says.
You wave at each of them. You feel very uncomfortable and like you don't belong.
​"Mick made breakfast this morning and he must think I'm a giant. There was way too much food, so I wanted to bring it by," You chuckle.
Mick places the pancakes on a table.
​"Holy fuck Mick! That's a lot of pancakes. How do you expect her to eat all of this!" The guy with blonde hair says.
The guys all chuckle.
​"Right that's what I told him and that's only half of them. You could feed my whole apartment complex with all of that," You laugh.
"That's only half! Holy fuck!" A guy carrying around a mask with a long nose says.
Mick pulls up and chair and you sit down next to him. The guys begin to eat, and they all thank Mick for making the food and then they thank you for bringing it.
One of the guys that appears to be a little taller than Mick complements your shoes. You look down at your old vans and then look up at him and thank him.
Mick introduces everyone to you, "(Y/N), this is, Joey Jordison or #1, Alex or Vman #2, Chris Fehn #3, Jim root #4, Craig Jones #5, Shawn Crahan or clown #6, Then I'm #7, and this is Corey Taylor #8, and you have already met Sid Wilson #0."
You wave at all of them.
​"So why do you each have a number?" You ask.
​"It's just how we like to do things in our band. It's more about the music for us than fame so instead of exposing our identities we go by a number," Joey explains.
​"And there's nine of you?" You ask.
​"Yup. I know it's a lot but there's a lot of stuff going on in our music," Corey says.
​"Do you want to hear us play?" Sid asks.
​"Um Sid I don't know if she's ready for that," Mick say looking down at you.
​"It's fine. I'm intrigued now," you giggle.
Mick shrugs and picks up his guitar.
​"What do you guys want to play," Shawn asks.
​"How about prosthetic," Corey suggests.
The guys all agree, but you can feel Mick getting tense next to you. You look over at him and smile.
​"It's okay," You tell him. You place your hand on his bicep.
​"Are you sure?" Mick asks.
You nod.

Shawn starts banging on what looks like an oil tank.
As if he read your mind he says, "This is a keg."
You smile at him and watch as his hands move the sticks up and down over the keg. Craig starts playing some sort of soundtrack and then Mick and Jim join in with there guitars. Eventually Joey starts playing his drum set. 
Corey starts sing into a microphone, "Even if you run, I will find you, I decided I wanted you, Now I know, I need, If you can't be bought, tougher than I thought, Keep in mind, I am with you, Never left out fate, can't concentrate, Even if you run."

His voice comes out raspy, but you can still tell that he can sing pretty high pitch if he wants to. Then Corey begins screaming the lyrics. It catches you off guard, but it doesn't scare you as badly as Mick thought it would.
The song ends the way it started with just the instruments. When they finish you give them a round of applause.
​"Wow that was really cool," You tell them.
You look up at Mick and he smiles at you. Right when he's about to say something your phone rings. You grab it and look at the caller ID. It's your mother.
​"I'll be outside, I have to take this," You tell Mick.
He nods and walks you out the big door of the studio. You stand off to the side and answer the phone.
​"(Y/N) how are you?" Your mom says.
​"I'm good mom how are you," You tell her.
​"I'm doing fantastic. Anyways how is your schoolwork going. I hope you're getting good grades. Please send us your report card dear," You mother says. 
​"Mother I'm not a little girl anymore and I'm not in grade school," You groan.
​"I know honey but as you know you are a (L/N) and (L/N)'s are very smart. I need your report card so I can brag to my friends about what a smart little bean you are. Remember anything that's not an A is a failure," Your mom chuckles in a fake voice. 
​"Mom! You need to stop using me as your toy. I'm not going to collage because you're making me and I'm definitely not going to collage so you can brag to your snobby friends," You yell.
​"Darling I know you're not in collage because of me. If I was forcing you to go you wouldn't be getting a degree to be a librarian, you would be a doctor," She yells back.
You continue to yell at your mom. She has always been very controlling, and you always feel like she doesn't respect you at all.
​"(Y/N) are you okay," Mick asks.
You didn't realize that he had come out to check on you. You look through the glass screen into the studio and notice the guys are all looking at you, then you realize you have been pacing back and worth.
​"Who was that? You got yourself a boyfriend! What did I tell you about dating!" Your mom screams into the phone.
You quickly end the call and shove your phone into your pocket.
​"Who was that?" Mick asks.
​"My mom," You sigh.
​"Really? Why is she so pissed at you?" he asks.
​"She wants me to be a doctor and apparently I'm not good enough for the family," You growl.
​"That's fucked up," Mick says.
You shrug.
​"Mick, I need to get going. I have to study, and I have school tomorrow, so I need to head out," You say.
​"Okay, do you want to say goodbye to the guys?" He asks you. You look back into the studio and see the guys are still staring.
​"Sure," You chuckle.
Mick walks you back into the studio and all the guys ask if you're okay, you explain to them what your mom said.
​"That's fucked up," Jim says.
​"Yeah what an asshole," Corey agrees.
You chuckle and thank them for caring about you.
​"I have to get going guys, but it was nice to meet you," You tell them.
​"Aww, why do you have to leave?" Sid questions.
​"I have work and school tomorrow," You chuckle.
​"Okay," He groans.
You laugh and then stand up to leave. Mick follows you out the door and to your car.
​"I'll see you later maybe," you chuckle.
​"Yeah maybe," Me laughs while wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You give him a hug and he wraps his arms around your waist, then you step into your car and drive away. As your pulling out of the parking space you wave at Mick.
You can't stop thinking about him on the way home. You love how protective he was of you and how he wanted to make sure you where okay and comfortable around his friends .
You walk into your apartment and kick of your shoes. You grab one of the pancakes Mick made for you and you heat up some tea. You grab your laptop and begin to finish the essay you have that's due tomorrow. You find yourself drifting off to sleep. You wish that Mick was there to sleep next to you, you want to cuddle into him and let him wrap his big arms around you. Mick never leaves your mind the whole night and when you finally close your eyes you fall into a deep sleep.

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