Malicious Intent

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Malia drove him absolutely insane. One second, she was calm and agreeable and the next she was flying off the handle as if she could speak however she wanted to around him, as if she could insult him!

The truth was, she could probably do whatever she wanted to him and he would forgive her for it, but he knew that was going to become an issue. He had just met the girl, and already he was throwing out his inhibitions and allowing her to meet his family.

His father's comment to her surprised him, considering he had been the one to encourage a union with the two of them, although lately he hadn't seen much of his father as he'd been busy with his schoolwork and attempts to find out more information about Malia.

He wondered what it was about her that had him so enraptured until he realized it was more than one thing, that it was the stark contrast of her blue eyes with her porcelain skin that didn't hold a single imperfection, it was the slight dusting of freckles across her cheekbones and bridge of her nose, the same freckles that she attempted to cover up with makeup that she didn't need, and the soft curves of her body that beckoned his hands to them like a moth to a flame.

He had never felt so rejected by a female in his life, and it made him do a double take with her, something he rarely ever did. He hoped she wasn't just a conquest, that he wouldn't lose his interest with her once she finally gave in to him, something that he would continue to fight for her to do until he finally got what he wanted.

He was very persistent that way, and he wondered how much longer she would put up a fight.

He instantly regretted letting Malia go with Gordon the second she was gone through the elevator, although it did give him time to think through what he was allowed to tell her and what he had to keep to himself, just in case she really wasn't who she said she was or if she was trying to play him.

He couldn't help but keep a lock on his heart after what he'd been through in the past, and he knew that it probably wasn't fair to her, but her attitude and distance from him wasn't fair to him either.

"Louis, now that we're alone, we need to talk about what happened here today. Your grandfather has already met with his top advisors, but I want your opinions on how you would deal with this kind of a situation if you were in charge."

"What is this, some kind of teaching moment? I'd sniff out which cops are on the KH's payroll and make them pay, make an example out of them so more cops don't defect to them and then I'd use those cops and make them talk, get them to tell us the names of members in the gangs. I'd have our leader of our intelligence agencies use enhanced interrogation if we had to, then I'd tell them to send in some people undercover and sniff out the leader until we find him."

His father looked somewhat impressed.

"Nice. And Henry, what would you do?"

Louis hadn't noticed Henry sneaking in on their conversation.

"Doesn't that seem a little...convenient? Don't you think the leader of the most successful and deadly gang in all of England would realize what was happening?

A snake was what Henry reminded Louis of, full of venom and always sneaking and slithering around.

"We have one of the most advanced and successful intelligence agencies in the world, I think our people can manage."

"If you say so. I just think a little reconnaissance and stealth might be the key to finding the leader here. Sometimes an all out attack might be too open, too obvious."

"Very good Henry. You both are showing good critical thinking skills at a much earlier age than I. I was more interested in the partying ways as Louis seemed to have been doing, but I see you might be settling down with Lady Spencer, who, although might have been born an outsider, has a place in our history. She is of noble blood."

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