How they meet Maiho in s1

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The dark masters: *do their intro thing*

Tai: We gotta fight them, everyo- wait- Is.... Is that another kid? *points a bit into the background*

Maiho: *walking out from behind a pillar thing* mama? I know you said to wait until you were done, but... I'm hungry.. I didn't eat breakfast :<

Arlo: "mama"..?

Anya: ...M a i h o ? ?

Izzy: that's your brother?

Arlo: yeah, but wtf does he mean "mama"

Piedmon: oh, this is why I tell you don't skip meals. I'll make some lunch. *walks over and picks him up, before turning to the digidestined* can you all wait a few minutes? My son's hungry.

Arlo: s o n ?

Anya: wtf are you-

Tai: I- I guess?

Tk: can I have lunch too

Matt: Tk no

Tk: aw. Wait hey I've seen him before

Kari: *giggling at a memory, puts a finger up to her lips* shh!

Taru: oh, I've talked to you a little before. Maiho, right? :>

Matt: huh

Tai: tf

Saya: when tho-?

Maiho: yeah I'm Maiho!! :>

Piedmon: *walks off with him, humming*

Maiho: yay food

Puppetmon: ... *looks around* now what?

Metalseadramon: Ig we just wait.

Machinedramon: yeah, that seems fair.

Puppetmon: awh, I hate waiting >:<

Everyone: *confusion and/or amusement*

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