nono don't touch me there

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Ray: Hey-!

Ikera, who was busy harassing Davis & Phoenix: ???

Ray: leave my friends alone!!

Ikera: ....*turns around and grabs Ray's wrist* :)

Ray: *screaming, trying to get away*

Kika: *walks over and smacks Ikera with her purse so he lets go* Don't. Touch. My. Child.

Ikera: what the- *reaches out to grab Ray again*

Kika: *smacks him again. This repeats a few times*

Ikera: STOP IT

Matt, falling in through the doorframe, with the other digidestined behind him: WHO IS TOUCHING THE CHILD

Kika, Davis, and Phoenix: *point to Ikera*

Arlo: *runs over and kicks him in the stomach* DON'T TOUCH THE CHILD

*the other digidestined proceed to attack him and yell that he should not be touching the child*

Ikera: *screeching*

Kika: *holding Ray, looks at Carol, who is just watching this all go down* ....

Kika, pointing to Carol: SHE IS TOUCHING MY CHILD

Izzy, in front of Carol: YOU ARE TOUCHING THE CHILD!?

Carol: nO-

Ivy: *fucking tackles her*

The rest of the digidestined: *yelling at Carol now as Cedric beats Ikera to death with a refrigerator*

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