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Phoenix: you ready for this?

Ken: not really.

Phoenix: It'll be fineee- *kisses his forehead and pulls him into the Izumi residence*

~{they walk up to Izzy & Ivy}~

Phoenix: Hey! We have something to tell y-

Ken: *throws up into a bucket he has*

Phoenix: . . . . *walks out of the room, dragging Ken with him*

~{back outside}~

Ken: I think that went well

Phoenix: you threw up and we both left.

Ken: ah, that's all in the past.

Phoenix: it was LITERALLY 30 seconds ago.

Ken: that's a matter of opinion!

Phoenix: no it isn't, let's try again.

~{they go back to Izzy & Ivy}~

Phoenix: Guys, we have something to tell you!

Ken: *chloroforms himself and passes out*

Phoenix: *just stares at him* . . . .

~{timeskip, back outside}~

Ken: I chloroformed myself, didn't I.

Phoenix: yup.

Ken, about to do it again: yeah...

Phoenix, slapping his hand down: don't do it again!! Look. YOU take the lead this time!

Ken: *nods*

~{they go to Izzy & Ivy again}~

Ken: *gibberish, and random gestures*

Phoenix: *slowly giving up on life*


Ken: you see, Phoenix and I- *takes out his gun* I'll just kill them. I'll-

Phoenix: *grabs his arm* nO-

Ken: Let me Kill em!!

Phoenix: no no nO no-

Ken: let me shoot em in the f a c e -


Ken: Mom! Dad! I'm GAY!

Phoenix: NOT the point! Well kinda but not really..


Ken, trying to use his gun: AND IF I SHOOT EM WE CAN MAKE OUT

Phoenix, trying to take the gun from him: No!!



Ken, his legs somehow phasing through the floor (Rya accidentally did a thing-): you see when two people spend a lot of time together-



Ken: Ich möchte Sex mit deinem Bruder haben

Phoenix: N e i n -


Ken: *about to speak*

Katya, causing chaos: *appears* I'm from the future! Tell them they're ugly!

Ken: you're chubby-

Phoenix: you can't even get THAT right!


Ken: *thrusts at Phoenix, while side-gazing at the twins*

Phoenix: what the fuck are you doing-


Phoenix: *struggling to take Ken's gun from him* Ken-

Ken: gimme-

Phoenix: Ken!!

Ken: nO-


Ken: ....I'm really bad at this, aren't I?

Phoenix: Yeahhh, the twins are never gonna find out about us.

Ken: ....Oh THAT'S what we're doing!! *walking back inside*

Phoenix, walking after him: what were you doing b e f o r e ?

~{with Izzy and Ivy again}~

Ken: *walks into the room* Izzy! Ivy! I know this is hard for you to hear but I'm dating your brother!!

Izzy: oh.

Ivy: alrighty. Don't try anything e-e

Ken: *throws a snowball at both of them, which causes them to panic and fall because cold*

Phoenix: KEN!!

Ken: w h o o p s -


Phoenix: I think that went well! :D

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