Fuck. Sorry Maiho.

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~{revenge au but s1.}~
The revenge AU is where The dark masters arc plays out mostly the same as it does in the show, but plus ocs and headcannon shit.
So, Maiho was basically adopted by the dark bois
Gennai says the ays the digidestined don't have to fight em
The digidestined fight them anyways.
Maiho runs away
And then he's a bad guy in s2, but secretly

MagnaAngemon: *seals Piedmon away, then Puts the rest of the digidestined back to normal*

Maiho: ....*snapping then and there, sends a blast of darkness at MagnaAngemon before taking off running, upset*

MagnaAngemon: *screams in pain, reverting back to Patamon and falling out of the sky*

Tk: *catches him* :<

~{a bit later}~

Gennai: good job saving both wo- Wait.. Where's Maiho? And... Piedmon is supposed to be with you..

Tk: uh. Maiho ran away because...

Patamon: I sealed away Piedmon.

Gennai: You w h a t ?

Arlo, sobbing: I can't find my baby brother!!

Anya: *hugs her* T~T

Genni: oh god. Piedmon was supposed to be Maiho's Digimon Partner.

Patamon: oh. Uh.

Izzy: what useful information to give us after the fucking fact!

Gennai: I DID say you didn't have to defeat the dark masters. Didn't you think I said that for a reason?

Izzy: ...Yeah..

Gennai: well.. Now you'll just have to hope for the best... You should go home now, before the portal closes..

~{everyone gets on the trolley and it takes off}~

Arlo: I hope Maiho is okay wherever he is...


Maiho: *sitting on a rock somewhere far from there. There's darkness literally radiating from him.* They destroyed them... and I couldn't stop them... I hear they're leaving for home now.. They'll be back, I can tell... And I'll be waiting.... I'll show them what it's like to have friends.. Family... Taken from you... I'll get them back one day.. *starts laughing quietly, and it slowly turns to maniacal laughter*

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